While Touko didn’t hear that her grandfather came by to see her exhibit, a certain someone might provide a hint to her.

After Himeno saw her mother’s failure of a creation, she is still figuring out the creation worthy for that spot. I find it funny how Naoko seems to like how the pictures turned out from the festival, especially the one where Himeno puts on her socks. Makes me wonder if this is the type of photos Naoko likes the most. Still, it’s obvious that she has attraction towards Himeno.

As Himeno comes up with ideas for her piece, it feels that she is writing phrases instead of concrete ideas. She asks for advice from Touko when her grandmother called her down. It’s because a special someone came by the café. Yes, it’s a famous actor from the Showa era and her grandmother is a big fan of his and wants an autograph from him. Himeno served the autograph board with his ice coffee.

He eventually asked about Juubeh kiln. Apparently Himeno knows what it is and Touko’s grandfather knows about it. Apparently, the actor did a movie involving pottery. Himeno’s dad takes him there and Himeno came along.
We learn that the actor is friends with Touko’s grandfather since he trained him on the basics. Of course, the actor tried his hands with pottery again at Touko’s grandfather’s workshop and failed spectacularly. The funny thing is it’s shaped similarly to Himena’s failure of a piece. I guess the actor forgot about the basics.

While the actor sees Touko work on her own pot and thinks she is doing a good job, her grandfather thinks she is being stiff. The actor thinks he is being tough on her. Of course, he eventually brings up his father who like Touko with her grandfather won’t praise her work. Apparently, the actor’s father doesn’t approve his acting career. After his passing, it’s revealed that he praised his acting performances in a notebook with newspaper clippings.

While the actor didn’t get the chance to make up with him, Touko still has a chance. After all, her grandfather did come by to see Touko’s creation. Mami never told her that, but I guess she will find out eventually.

As the actor heads back home, Touko decides to spend time with her grandfather. I wonder if he will bring this up. Still, it seems that Mika feels down that Touko took Himeno’s suggestion for her bowl. She couldn’t bring herself to suggest Touko to use the blue she created. Hopefully Mika can gain the courage to suggest something to Touko in the future.
Hopefully grandpa and Touko patch things up after hearing the actor’s bittersweet story.
The yuri is stronger than expected when we first went into this show and it is glorious!
I think they will eventually, but hopefully soon. After all, he can’t keep that visit a secret forever, right?
Not too surprising especially it’s obvious that Naoko has the hots for Himeno and Mika feeling down not being straight forward to Touko.