Beelzebub pays a visit to Azusa’s house with a special surprise. Of course, it becomes obvious why Halkara becomes anxious.

You might be wondering why Beelzebub came to Azusa’s home. Remember the time where Azusa brutally defeated Faltorte and the other blue dragons that attempted to ruin the wedding? The Demon King apparently wants to award, the Demon Medal of Honor at a ball to Azusa. Of course, it’s not a good thing for Halkara given her ditzy personality. Yes, she is a disaster waiting to happen. More on that later.

Of course, there is another problem. Rosalie can’t change her clothes since ghosts keep the same appearance when they passed away. Of course, Azusa had an idea of using magic to change Rosalie’s clothing. Yes, Azusa uses a similar envisioning magic that Yuna used. This time, Azusa used it to enhance the image of Rosalie’s body without damaging her spirit. Of course, Rosalie wants to put text on the back of her body, but Azusa obviously refuses.

Beezlebub finally arrives. Believe it or not, the Leviathan, a whale-shaped demon has a mansion on the top of its body. It’s taking them to the demon whelm. As expected, the mansion looked like a hotel room. It has a hot spring, with special water that is great for beauty. Of course, if one stays too long, they will melt. I can see why they become worried since Halkara woke up in the night. She talked with Rosalie before taking a bath. After Everyone wakes up, they notice that she is missing until she comes out of the bed.

This gets everyone worried about Halkara given how ditzy she is. Also, Beelzebub doesn’t like how Vania is slacking off. She is also a Leviathan who is in human form. They are apparently riding on her older sister, Fatla.

Either way, they eventually arrived at the royal capital of Vanzeld in the demon whelm. When they arrived at the palace, it’s obvious that Halkara is very anxious. She wanted to pretend to be sick. That way, she doesn’t have to see the Demon King. Now, she is afraid of messing up and receiving a punishment for it.

Still, she pressed on and saw the Demon King. The Demon King is a cute demon girl named Provat Pecora Allières. Yes, she is around the same size as Mao from Endro. Either way, Halkara apologizes for messing up. When she tried to raise her head up after bowing from her apology, she accidentally hits Provat’s head. She passes out and of course, Halkara’s worst nightmare happen. The guards jailed Halkara and plans to execute her. Yep, she only had one job and she blew it.

I guess Beezebub’s fears with Halkara became a self-fulfilling prophecy. I guess Halkara is too ditzy for her own good. Still, I think Provat will spare Halkara since this was an accident. Also, I highly doubt that she dies.
Nice development for Rosalie.
This was a decent episode. Poor Halkara got into trouble for being herself. Didn’t much care for demon loli king. She said she’d a more intimidating form. Hope to see it next time.
Agreed. Still, I kind of feel bad for Halkara since her worst fears became true. Yep, she is a walking disaster. Hopefully she will get out of this sticky situation.