As Koguma wants to go on a summer trip with Reiko, she is going to need some money. Yep, it involves getting a part time job.
In order to embark on a trip, Koguma is going to need some money. I wondered why she didn’t think about getting a job to help fund it. She is in luck as she discovers a job on the bulletin board. Of course, one of the teachers know that she drives a cub.
With that, the teacher offers her a document transport job during summer vacation. Of course, she will need to cover expenses like gas and maintenance. Yes, it’s like the sharing economy minus the extra fees. Koguma eventually shared her intentions to Reiko and decides to take the job.
Still, I find it cute how Koguma decides to have a fancy lunch before she started working. Yep, she is jumping the gun there, but hopefully she will do fine. Of Course, Reiko plans on going to ride somewhere during vacation too. In a sense, they are going to places.

As expected, it seems that before Koguma started her job, she decided to have her oil changed. As expected, she gets to see how it’s done. Yes, it’s not as involved compared to getting oil changed in my car. Not to mention, I had it changed at the start of this year, and it cost a good amount of money. This is not too surprising since my car needs the more expensive synthetic oil. Furthermore, I still need to have my rear brakes done. Koguma have it lucky.

While the trips are long at first for Koguma, she eventually become used to it. Not too surprising since driving long distance is a bit easier. I had to do it many times, especially in 2019 when I went house hunting. Either way, it seems that she is enjoying the ride back and forth. That is until the summer rain came. The teacher suggests to Koguma to wait and dry herself off before returning.

As expected, to beat the rain, she decided to buy a rain jacket. While it costs money, it will make her job and comfort easier when it rains. In the end, she managed to fetch around 90,000 yen, excluding expenses of course. Still, not bad for a part time job for a teenager.

Aside from that, I must give her props in having the courage to change the oil. I would never do that myself since I don’t have the strength nor want to get my hands dirty. Still, she is happy to achieve a lot that she never thought of doing during the summer. Yes, working at her first ever job, going to someplace far away and changing the oil herself.

With that, she decides to come over Reiko’s place. Still, I wonder what she will do there and what trip they plan to do. We’ll see pretty soon.
Koguma’s journey and her victories continue being highlights every week. Looking forward to what Reiko has in store for her next time.
Agreed, it’s good to see her achieve new heights, those I can only imagine. Still, I am very curious what kind of trip Reiko is planning soon.