Now that Plasmagica is planning to perform on the same stage with Mashumairesh, I wonder where they are going to perform. Apparently, Delmin receives a letter, which makes it obvious.
As expected, the last episode was about DOKONJOFINGER entering a battle of the band competition. Yes, with that rich boy band. It’s not that important of an episode unless boy bands are your thing. Of course, there are some developments of Plasmagica and Mashumairesh creating a song they will perform together. Of course, Maple looked for a venue to perform and he found one.

This comes us to this episode as he is about to announce it when Delmin rushed in. She reveals that her father is sick and wants her to return. The funny thing is that the flyer states the island’s name as Devil Mint Island. Yes, that is Delmin’s hometown. Yes, it’s starting to sound too convenient.

When they got there, they become tired trying to make the trek up there. I find it funny how everyone feels exhausted walking 5869 steps. This is surprising since Delmin says it’s an easy walk. Also, Delmin’s father shows up and doing fine. Yes, he complains about Delmin won’t call him “Papamin.”

You might be wondering, why does Delmin hates her father. It’s obvious as he wants his daughter to show strength through fighting. After being chased by a wild boar, it becomes obvious how her father trained her. Yes, the same one that attacks Howan and her friends when they moved after Delmin told them not to. Thankfully, they found a place to hide, which is the venue they are supposed to perform in.

Of course, in the cave, we find out the reason why Delmin hates her father. Yes, this has to do with him putting his daughter into harsh training when she was a child. Yes, she becomes visibly worn out as the boar is about to attack her. She was afraid and didn’t want to fight. Thankfully, her grandfather came to save her by stopping the boar using the power of music. I can see why she ran away from home to pursue music.

Of course, her father doesn’t understand after the boar shows up and he sees Delmin stop it with her grandfather’s horn. Despite this, he ignores his daughter desire to use music instead of fighting and complained about her not calling him “Papamin.” Yep, he got his priorities wrong, especially thinking physical strength is important. Thankfully Ruhuyu is here to convince him that Delmin’s philosophy is right. Yes, he trained with her trying to do the beam attack. It’s obvious she did it since she wants to do the same attack as her girlfriend. Sure, she can only do a small puff. At least it’s something.

During the evening at the villa, they are about to relax when the power went out. It looks like the volcano is the island’s power supply. I won’t be surprised if Delmin’s father making the volcano literally erupt might be behind this power shortage. The bright side, they can experience the beautiful night sky.

At that night, Delmin’s father asked about her daughter to Rufuyu. Yep, while she doesn’t like her sharp tongue, she believes that she is kind and cares about her friends a lot. While he didn’t understand why his daughter hates her, at least he finally understands why she would rather play music than fight.

Aside from that, the performance went well. Sure, there is a small hitch with the power going out. Thankfully, Mashumairesh now has the soul of ther voices. With that, they managed to pull of a successful performance. Yep, it’s nice to see Delmin called her father “Papamin.” Yep, he finally understands her daughter that she has a different way to fight.

Besides that, I liked the moments where Retoree takes many photos of Cyan doing cute things. Also, it seems that the giant speaker Dark Monster is on the attack abducting more bands. I guess this will become the endgame boss towards the end of the season.
We heard of Delmin’s home and grandfather last season so it was nice to see it firsthand. Delmin patching things up with Papamin thanks to Ruhuyu (and the song of the soul too) was wonderful.
The long awaited dual concert was worth the wait.
Danger still lurks.
Yes, it’s nice just like Plasmagica visiting Moa’s home planet too. Still, Delmin’s father is funny, although I can see why Delmin hates him. But it’s good that Ruhuyu fixed things between them. Also the dual concert was nice too.