It’s that time of year again as every year, I always do the 12 Days of Anime thing every year. This year has been a particularly rough year. Instead of talking about some of the depressing aspects of the year such as Covid19 delaying anime and Aniplex USA shutting down the English server for Magia Record, I want to keep things positive.
Yes, it’s true! We are doing another 12 days of more Yuri pairings like we did in 2018. After all, despite what is going on this year, the yuri pairings did not disappoint at all. Of course, they are in no particular order.
Tamaki Iroha and Nanami Yachiyo (Magia Record)
Yes, it’s obvious that this pairing will be on the list given how pure their relationship is. It’s interesting that pink haired girls tend to go for the long dark-haired ice queens. This is no exception with Iroha. She is a kind, but shy and very inexperienced magical girl that comes to Kamihama to find her little sister. Sure, Yachiyo came off cold initially, but Iroha eventually shows that she can defeat the stronger witches.
Of course, Iroha manages to defrost Yachiyo’s cold personality and realizes that she is a kind person. Iroha finds out about that Yachiyo faced two tragic moments of losing two of her magical girl friends on her team. Eventually, she lost her relationship with Mifuyu when she joins the Magius. Thankfully, Iroha realizes that Yachiyo doesn’t have to take the burden of being the leader in that faithful moment at the memory museum. Iroha decides to take the role as leader.

Still, compared to the relationship with Homura and Madoka, Iroha and Yachiyo is precious. Yes, even in the anniversary event where they gained the ability to fly, the event is, well lovely. Not only that, but there are also memorias that looks very romantic with one of card’s images showing Iroha and Yachiyo going on an ice cream date. Believe it or not, I managed to pull three of Iroha and Yachiyo unit in the English version a month before the server unfortunately ended service. At least I have one copy in the Japanese version.
Adachi Sakura and Shimamura Hogetsu (Adachi to Shimamura)
I must admit that this is probably one of the cutest pairings of this year. Sure, Adachi is very introverted given that she skips class before Shimamura came along. This pairing is interesting since Shimamura finds most relationships troublesome as they don’t last while Adachi is well, very timid.
It’s nice to see Adachi try her best to become a best friend to her, although it seems that she is looking to become more than just friends with Shimamura. Yes, it’s obvious that she has romantic feelings towards her. For instance, she fantasizes herself kissing Shimamura and wanting to go on a date with her. Still, you can’t deny the cute moments with Shimamura and Adachi such as Shimamura patting Adachi’s head and of course, Shimamura calling Adachi by her first name recently. Hopefully someday, their relationship will become official.
Rin and Aoyama (Midori) (Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka?)
Sure, Rin always seems annoyed that Aoyama slacks off and not finish her manuscripts. Rin frequently chases after Aoyama to chastise her several times. After all, Aoyama needs to finish her manuscripts on time. Even so, it’s obvious that Rin most likely have romantic feelings for Aoyama. It’s very evident with her speech at the fancy school Rize and Sharo goes to and showing a picture of Aoyama with a cash reward.
Also, she goes on a wild goose chase chasing after Aoyama, which is hilarious. Of course, there is that moment of them riding on the merry go round. They remember the time of them playing hide go seek. It’s obvious that Rin has feelings for Aoyama because of her personality and her writing. Still, the moment where Aoyama concedes defeat to Rin after she gets off the merry go round is their best moment, pairing wise.
Hitotsuyanagi Riri and Shirai Yuyu (Assault Lily)
It’s obvious that a couple of girls seem to find Riri so cute that they want her. This is not too surprising given her cheerful and sweet personality despite her inexperience with fighting the Huge. Some girls that want her especially are Kaede and Araya, especially the former.
It seems that pink haired girls always seem to have a thing for dark haired ice queens. We have seen it so far with Madoka and Homura, Mangetsu and Ernesta, along with Iroha and Yachiyo. As expected, the reason Riri is attracted to Yuyu is of course her rescuing Riri during the withdrawal two years ago. This is the reason Riri decided to become a Lily and even wanted Yuyu as her Schutzengel.
While Yuyu still suffers post dramatic stress from the death of her Schutzengel, Misuzu, Riri manages to help her snap her out of this while helping her cope with some of the issues she faces. Still, it’s nice to see Yuyu warmup to Riri, especially with that long trip. Also, they of course had a daughter that Riri found named Yuri. That is of course their couple name, which comes as no surprise. While the loss of Yuri is heartbreaking, I still think that they still make a great pairing. After all, their pairing name is officially Yuri after all.
Kirama Sharo and Tedeza Rize (Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka?)
Sure, the third season shows a lot of moments with Chiya and Sharo since they are childhood friends, I am still rooting of Sharo and Rize. It’s not too surprising since Rize rescued Sharo from supposed thugs, which are rabbits. Yes, Sharo eventually develops feelings for Rize, but has trouble expressing her feelings. Plus, they are cute together.
Still, it’s not too surprising to see me still rooting for this pairing. After all, Rize wants to become more lady-like and feminine, which of course Sharo presents that image. Of course, Sharo desires to become cool like Rize. Still, there are some nice moments of them together such as saving a rabbit that looks like a delinquent, Wild Geese and of course the moment when Rize worked at Fleur de Lapin.
Of course, the third season has some nice moments with Rize and Sharo. This consists of them trading Halloween costumes and Rize revealing that she is Sharo’s Secret Santa.
Tsurugi Hina and Hodaka Natsumi (Houkago Teibou Nisshi)
Being childhood friends, Natsumi is happy to see Hina again after she moved to the seaside town. I find this relationship hilarious as Hina initially doesn’t want to be a part of the Breakwater Club. Hina wanted to join the Handicraft Club instead. It’s obvious that besides Yuki, Natsumi wants her to join despite of Hina being hesitant.
Still, I find this pairing hilarious given how many times Natsumi torments Hina. This consists of Natsumi depicting a flathead fish as fish with teeth, trying to scare her with mud while Yuki and Makoto dig for clams to name a few. Of course, Natsumi buys a hat for Hina as a present so she would say in the club as a bribe.
As expected, Hina gets to retort against Natsumi’s mischief such as laughing at her when she gets stuck in the mud after scaring her. Thankfully, they eventually get a bit closer when they visit each other houses and even making their own fish plushies and even trading the ones they made together. Yep, it’s obvious that they might be more than just friends now.
Nagafuji Taeko and Hino Akira (Adachi to Shimamura)
Besides the main pairing, Adachi and Shimamura, there is of course another pairing that looks very promising. Taeko and Akira are childhood friends. They have been together since they are small.
Yes, besides Akira being attracted to Taeko’s attractive looks, especially her breasts, which comes as no surprise. After all, she wanted to fondle with them, until Taeko slaps her on the head. The funny thing is that Taeko eventually gives what Akira desires in the 10th episode while in the bath. They also kiss as well, on the forehead of course, something that they started since their childhoods. Still, I must admit Taeko and Akira is still a cute pairing besides Adachi and Shimamura.
Takigawa Miu and Fujima Sakura (Nanabun no Nijyuuni)
It’s apparent that Miu is a very really and introverted girl. While she doesn’t seem interested in becoming an idol initially. She even went so far about ranting about them. Even so, she obviously cares about the people who are close to her. Believe it or not, Sakura is the first person Miu met at the place they supposed to meet. It’s obvious that Sakura cares a lot about Miu after she went absent after the wall picks Miu as the center of the group.
Sure, Miu eventually gotten over her initial struggles, it’s obvious that Miu and Sakura gets along with each other, more than just best friends. This not too surprising since Miu seems to show feelings for Sakura in the variety shows. Not only that, but there are also numerous moments in the anime where Miu is with Sakura of course. There is probably more to this pairing outside the anime. Even so, Miu and Sakura is still a cute pairing.
Hoto Cocoa and Kafuu Chino (Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka?)
It’s obvious that you will see this one coming. Ever since Cocoa started working at Rabbit House, she wants to be Chino’s older sister. This is not too surprising given that she wants to surpass her older sister, Mocha in her pursuit of becoming an older sister. Yes, Mocha coming and trying to cuddle with all her friends while treating Cocoa as her little sister upsets Cocoa.
Thankfully, while Chino tolerates Cocoa’s antics in Cocoa’s quest to make Chino her little sister, there is some signs that she is falling for her. Yes, she made many glasses of iced cocoa when Cocoa went back home in the Dear My Sister special. In the third season, she made many cups of Kilimanjaro while Cocoa worked at multiple part-time jobs.
It’s obvious to see why. Cocoa in a way is becoming like her mother. In the third season, she eventually masters the magic trick Chino’s mother usually do for her daughter. Not only that, Chino eventually decided to enroll at the same school Cocoa goes to. She even tries to see how Cocoa’s school uniform looked on her before she found out. With that, it’s obvious to see why Chino is warming up to be more than just being friends with Cocoa
Yuna and Fina (Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear)
It’s obvious to see why this pairing is on this list. After all, Yuna not only saved Fina from a bunch of wolves, but she also helps Yuna out. Yes, Yuna ended up saving her twice, but eventually gives her a job of harvesting all the pelts. Eventually, Yuna did a selfless act of using her healing abilities to cure Yuna’s mother’s disease to finding the special flower with her and her little sister, Shuri.
Still, while Fina’s romantic attraction is obvious, especially with some instances as Yuna showing her a dedicated room for harvesting to other acts of kindness by Yuna, she is kind of addicted to Yuna’s cooking and how cute her familiar bears are. Still, I wonder if the relationship will develop more than just being an older sister, younger sister type of relationship. Time can only tell.
Kinohata Mira and Manaka Ao (Koisuru Asteroid)
Believe it or not, Mira made a promise with who she thought is a boy to find a star for her. The funny thing is that Mira finds out that Ao is in fact a girl. Yes, Ao’s reaction when Mira finds this out is cute.
Still, Mira and Ao is very close to being an official pairing as they are very close together and share the same dream. Not only that, they are seen holding hands together several times. Even Ao studying with Mira for makeup exams looks like a date. After all, it worked for Natsumi and Hina.
As expected, this relationship gets even better when Ao’s parents are about to move again. Thankfully, her mother allows Ao to stay at Mira’s house. Yep, they are finally living together, which makes things very interesting. Moreover, Ao went all the way to Okinawa despite not making the cut for the Star Challenge. After all, she wants to achieve Mira’s promise of finding an asteroid together. While they weren’t successful, maybe they will probably eventually. Perhaps when that happens, maybe their romantic relationship might become official.
Nukui Hayu/Midori Hemo and Sakura Ino (Ochikobore Fruit Tart)
It’s obvious that Ino is really into girls. After all, Hayu hinted this by saying the school they are currently attending is a former all-girls schools and that there is a lot of girls who like girls. Yes, Ino denies it, but then again, her introduction makes it sound like she is in an innocent relationship with Hayu. Of course, this also applies with Ino wanting to take Hayu to a lingerie shop to buy some cute underwear.
As expected, Ino of course has a harem of her own. Hayu is not the only one that has interest in Ino. When Hemo first saw Ino, it was love at first sight. She ran away first after becoming flustered, but she develops a huge crush on her. After Ino promises Hemo that Fruit Tart will put on a good performance, she is hooked. She eventually joins Fruit Tart and of course, obsesses Ino. Yes, even the type of tights that Ino usually wears. This of course causes a sort of rivalry between Hayu and Hemo in a few instances such as when they cooked Okonomiyaki. Still, I wonder which pairing will prevail in the end or that Ino will have a harem ending.
Honorable Mentions
- Maina and Eripiyo (Oshi ga Budoukan Ittekuretara Shinu)
- Ayumu and Yuu (Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club)
As always, I hope you enjoyed my list of best Yuri pairings of 2020. If you want more, I did the same kind of post in 2018. With that, I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Note that the coverage of the last episode Assault Lily will get released on Sunday since Friday is Christmas Day.
Would you know why it is the creator of Scientific Railgun would create Mikoko and Kuroko Shirai and have Mikoko state: @ She’s my friend (Kuroko) she’s my best friend.” but treat her so horribly. Especially in Seas 1 Ep 2 in the pool. Mikoko smashes Kurokos face with a broom! That is no best friend! Yet the two other girls – the dummy with a flower in her hair and The girl with head full of flowers, that pairing is allowed to flourish? I think that Misaka doesnt know what she wants. And uses Kuroko to vent. I had to stop watching as I lived Kuroko so much but could not take the abusive Misaka mikoko.