Now that Ino with Roko, Hayu and Nina formed an idol group, it’s finally the first day of school. Also, Hoho working on her own plans to jump start the group.

With the new idol group, Fruit Tart made their debut on TV, it’s obvious that Ino is excited for her first day of school. It’s obvious that she is a big fan of Roko and wants to wake her up after seeing how cute she is sleeping. Also, she also wants to be Roko’s maid. This aspect of Ino becomes more obvious soon.

When she walks into the bedroom, she is in horror. Yep, she found Roko sleeping with Nina with Roko touching Nina’s breasts. It’s obvious that Roko has a thing for Nina given that it’s something she wants to be. Of course, the last episode has some hints of this last time.
Even so, it’s obvious that Nina is there because Roko fears thunderstorms and scary movies. Sure, Roko finds this annoying, but it’s obvious that she likes having Nina sleeping with her. After all, they go to the same school.

Aside from that, it seems that Hayu isn’t a morning person. I find it funny how the thing that wakes her up is strawberries. That is not too surprising. Still, seeing her become so energetic, I wonder what the girls put into the strawberries.

With that, Ino starts her first day of school as she goes to the same school with Hayu. I find Ino’s introduction quite hilarious as she inherently mentions paying off debt. So much for hiding their idol identities. Of course, Hayu joins in mentioning the same thing, which makes their classmates even more confused.

After that, Ino corrected her by saying that she and Hayu are not debt buddies, but in an innocent relationship. By an innocent relationship, you mean a Class S relationship. Still, this makes the Ino and Hayu pairing quite strong.

Still, it’s become obvious that Ino has a strong preference of girls. Besides fantasizing of being Roko’s master, Hayu points this out that the school was a former all-girls school. Of course, there is a lot of girls who like girls. Sure, Ino denies it, but does anyone believe it?

With that, Hoho finally reveals her plan to have Fruit Tart to come out with their first CD. As expected, it seems a lot harder than it is, especially with each girl having different preferences for music. Also, we learn about Nina’s troubles, especially when she keeps outgrowing the clothing she or her parents make.

Either way, Hoho finally announced a breakthrough. Fruit Tart will soon debut with their own performance with Cream Anmitsu. Sadly, they are not performing together, but on a stage nearby where Cream Anmitsu are performing. Either way, we will finally get the fifth member of Fruit Tart coming very soon.
Another yuri comedy for us to relish! Huzzah!
Loved Hayu casually supporting Ino’s gayness. I wonder if Hayu has a thing for her too? We shall see.
You hinted at the 5th member having a big surprise in store. I look forward to her debut.
Not too surprising since I read the first volume after all and witnessed it first hand. But I find it funny how Hayu already knew that Ino is into girls, but won’t admit it. There is no denying it after all.
The 5th member will be good, but we have to wait until next week.