Since Yomi and her friends lost a practice game, Ms. Fuji wants them to actually be ready for the tournament. You know what this means, right? Yep, a training camp.
It’s obvious that while Yomi and her friends came close to staging a comeback, they fell short. Sure, being one point behind is better than having just one point and the opposing team dominating. Still, a loss like that won’t get them very far let alone the preliminaries.

Ms. Fuji is now pushing them to the limit. Besides arranging games against Touwa and Oowashi High School teams, she had some intense training. With Yomi out of her comfort zone of pitching as Yoshino has other players try pitching, she becomes scared. Yes, Yomi got really scared that Yoshino fires her from her role, that is not the case. After all, it’s better to keep the ace pitcher when you need it. Apparently, Yomi believes that Risa and Ibuki have potential to become great pitchers.

As you expect, the training is intense. Besides the usual pitching, catching and batting practice, Fuji forces them to do stretches. Apparently, Yomi doesn’t seem to like it since it’s like hell. That is what you all training from hell.

Apparently, we see Risa practicing batting alone and Rei wondering why she is there. Yep, she is causing all those rumors about ghosts. Rei admits that she is glad about not quitting and Risa staying by her side. Apparently, Risa is batting alone because she wants to play on the same field as Rei. Yes, it all happened when she found out that Rei played baseball during middle school. Believe it or not, her goal is Risa. It’s obvious where this is going, right?

With that comes the practice games. Sadly, Yomi’s team couldn’t beat either teams from the practice games. While training camp is over, at least the team now knows what areas to improve from there. Still, even after all the intense training, Ms. Fuji reminds them of the midterm exams. I guess it won’t bode well for most members. Still, it’s surprising that Yomi did pretty well on the exams.

Lastly, there is Nozomi practicing alone at night. Yoshino notices her while returning home. It’s nice to see Nozomi talk about her time of losing nationals because she couldn’t hit the ball. She shares her regrets that she feels the need to practice harder. Sure, Yoshino shares the desire of winning, she ensures that Nozomi is not alone in this.
Still, it’s nice of her to remind her about the promise. After all, she was the one that said it. From this, it makes me wonder if Yoshino is trying to create a harem of her own. I guess one can speculate. On the bright side, at least the animation quality is better. This makes me wonder the poor animation quality from last time is simply a mistake.
Third couple confirmed in Rei and Risa but it’s to be expected.
Miss Fuji being a former pro was admittedly surprising but as you said it shouldn’t have been.
Hopefully 4th time is the charm, their fourth game.
Yes, it’s nice to have more pairings confirmed, but I kind of expected Rei and Risa since they were together in the first episode. But still, I am quite curious about Ms. Fuji’s baseball career though.
I’m sure they will win eventually. It only takes a bit more training.