Now that the results of the preliminaries are finally out, Poppin Party and RAISE A SUILEN are tied. I wonder how things will play out as Roselia and RAISE A SUILEN agrees to do a song with Poppin Party together.

You might be wondering, what will happen now that Poppin Party and RAISE A SUILEN got second place? Yes, it’s pretty obvious. They get to perform in the final performance at the Budoukan. Yep, Rokka is really excited to perform on the same stage with Poppin Party. Also, it’s nice to see Kasumi’s little sister helping out with the event too. It’s not too surprising since she wants to help out.

Aside from that, after coming up with a new song, Kasumi and her friends come up with an idea. Performing one song with Roselia and RAISE A SUILEN together. It’s nice for them to discuss the idea with them. Sure, Chiyu seems against the idea initally, but she eventually gives in. In other words, they prepared to make it happen. Also, it’s nice to see Masuki share her experiences performing at the Budoukan.

With that comes the big day finally come. Before actually performing there, they rehearsed there. It’s nice to see the girls become amazed by how big the venue is. Of course, Ako, Rokka, Masuki, Rinko, and Reona took it in by lying down on the center of the stage.

As for the performances, they are what you expect from live performances at the Budoukan, but in anime form. In fact, I watched quite a few live performance recordings that took place there. Yes, I was that bored, but the performance sounds different obviously given how big the place is. While Rimi had some nervousness, she eventually gets over it after performing.

In the end, the people voted. Apparently, there are three different awards and thankfully Roselia didn’t dominate all of them obviously. Also, it’s nice to see the former owner of the Space Live House to announce the results. After all, it comes full circle and it shows how far Roselia and Poppin’ Party has gone since then. Either way, they will remember this moment for years to come.
Final Impressions
As expected, while this season focuses mostly on RAISE A SUILEN and some on Roselia, the third season was enjoyable. Sure, we saw Rokka joining RAISE A SUILEN a mile away, but the character development of all the members of this band was good. Also, you can’t forget the moments with Rokka and Masuki.
Sure, Chiyu was a jerk at first by being a sore winner after beating Roselia just one time and bossing her band members around. Thankfully, she redeems herself by realizing that her members care about the band and doesn’t want to see it fail. Also, it’s nice to learn more about each member’s backstory on how they joined the band.
Also, there is some nice moments with Roselia too. Sure, they pretty much dominated the competition of course, except for that one-time loss. But it’s obvious that Yukina wants to make their band expand their horizons and of course, they bounced back rather quickly. As for Poppin Party, while they didn’t receive much spotlight this season, at least they worked hard to make it to the finals. Overall, the third season is an enjoyable sequel to the last two seasons. You can’t forget how far Roselia and Poppin’ Party has gone from the first season of performing at a live house and at the Budoukan.
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