A new school year has started. Ino tries to stop Mira and Ao from trying to recruit members without approval. It seems that they don’t need to do that since two members are planning to join anyway.

At last, with the Earth Sciences Club only having three members, Mira and Ao is in recruiting mode. Believe it or not, the two girls, Mikake’s little sister and another girl who were at the festival decided to join. They are Chikake and Nanami.

Chikake looks a lot like her sister, Mikake, but with longer hair. She also has a strong interest in rocks and also likes collecting special rocks for fortune telling. Apparently, her fortune telling worked well on Mira, more on that later. Still, it’s quite amazing that she was participating in the same Olympiad as Ino. She also noticed that Ino was pretty loud there.

On the other hand, you have Nanami. Sure, she doesn’t seem happy that Mira and the other are carefree. She would rather have the club focus on activities that involve learning. It’s obvious that she wouldn’t like the first activity that is basically collecting rocks, barbequing and looking at stars. We find out why soon enough.

You might notice, yes, Moe finally cut her hair. I guess things didn’t quite work out with Misa. However, she gave her some advice. In short, she wants Moe to be herself and not try to flirt with everyone. That can explain the hairstyle change. Sure, some might prefer her with long hair. Still, this shows that she has started to mature a bit.
Will she find someone that she likes eventually? Maybe and it might be Ino. Also, Moe also introduces Chikake and Nanami to her little sister, Megu. She is even attending the same school.

To get the new members comfortable, Mira decides to do the same activity that Mikake and Mari done last year. Of course, things don’t turn as planned as it started raining and they have all that food. Thankfully, they found a place to do it while raining.

While Nanami seems disappointed that the girls aren’t really grilling, but making those dubous teru teru bouzu, she reveals what she wants to do. She seems interested meteorology. While it looks like she doesn’t enjoy it, she decided to learn more about it because of a disaster that hit her family hard. Her town was flooded, and her family lost everything, including their family photos. It’s understandable since it’s devastating to lose stuff that is priceless from disasters like hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, etc.
On the other hand, while Nanami doesn’t find geology and astronomy as being important, it’s nice to see Mira and Ino to convince her otherwise. Thankfully, the rain stopped, and the girls eventually got to see the stars.

Aside from that, Mira and Ao also wrote an essay. The barbeque has her a lot of inspiration. While Mira eventually received the good news, Ao didn’t make it. It’s sad to see Mira having to leave Ao behind and not have Ao there. While Mira seems sad and not want to do it, thankfully Mikake and Mari calls them for encouragement.

Not only that, Mira can call them anytime if she needs advice. Still, it doesn’t really matter as Ao decided to tag along anyway. It’s obvious where this is going, right?
Very intrigued to find out how Ao managed to make the trip. We know the power of love had a hand in making it happen but I wonder what else made it possible. Looking forward to finding out,
Suzu V2.0 looks lovely. She looked more beautiful with long hair but if she feels more comfortable this way then so be it. Glad she’s more comfortable with her gayness now. Hopefully Misa and her worked out an agreement off-screen.
Chikage and Nanami make an adorable couple. Nanami’s backstory was a surprise. glad everyone, especially Chikage, will be there for her.
I think she probably receive financial help to make it happen. Still, I wonder how she made it happen.
As they say, I guess Moe learned the lesson of being herself instead of pretending to be someone that she isn’t.
But yes, Chikake and Nanami is a nice pairing.