At last, the girls take a break and went to the beach. Sadly, Mikake and Mari couldn’t go.

Believe it or not, the fated beach episode is finally here. Sure, Mikake and Mari couldn’t make it, we get to see Ao, Mira, Moe and Ino in their swimsuits. Besides having fun on the beach, it seems that Moe became jealous at Mira and Ao being very close. It’s understandable why she feels that way since Moe is Mira’s childhood friend after all.

In short, Moe challenges Ao to see who Mira finds the most favorite. It’s funny how they try to pick her favorite food. The funny thing is that Mira likes both of them. Also, they did a boat race, but Mira ends up falling off. Ino was the only one that stayed on. Either way, it looks like they had a lot of fun despite Mikake and Mari not being there. In fact, those two had fun after their entrance exams. At least they had fun at the school’s pool.

The next day, Mikake invites Mira to a mineral show. While Mira’s goal is to find a star or asteroid, she became really interested in rocks. It seems that nobody could attend except for Mira. Still, it’s nice to see them browse through the minerals. Mira wanted to get one of a meteor’s minerals, but it’s expensive.
Also, Mikake manages to talk to someone who spoke in English. Mira seems impressed by her ability to speak in that language. Still, it’s not too surprising to see Mikake speak in English very well. After all, she is voiced by Touyama Nao, who voices other characters such as Kujou Karen and Kongou-class ship girls.

Either way, while Mari decided what she wants to do in the future, Mikake is having trouble. In a flashback, she didn’t know what she wants to do. Ino eventually notices that Mikake is feeling a bit down, even if Mikake is hiding it. She will figure it out sooner than later.

Of course, it seems that Eve, one of Ino’s friend is with Usami. Eve is apparently spying on the Eath Sciences Club. Yes, it seems that she is trying to get ideas for a newsletter since the newspaper club’s one is not doing well. I guess they don’t have the endorsement from Mira’s older sister, Misa that they are at a huge disadvantage. Still, it’s funny how Usami had to drag Eve away before she caused any more trouble. I guess Mari’s recording of Eve blackmailing the club was enough to force her to help out with the club.
With that, the Earth Science Club is figuring out what to do for the cultural festival/ Yes, they talking about the idea of boring, which is digging a hole in the ground, getting a core and examining it. Sadly, there isn’t much records in regards to this and the alternative, the café is lacking. Still, Yuki wants the girls to try it out. I wonder what is the end result. We’ll find out next time.
Hopefully the show or the fans will make up for the lack of Monroe and Sakura bikini screen time. The world demands seeing them in all their glory! Ao and Suzu were undeniably sexy though Mira was a fine middle point and Ino was unsurprisingly adorable though she clearly hoped to wow other girls with her body too.
Mira and Sakura’s time at the rock show was fun. Sakura’s seiyu speaking better Engrish than the Murican merchant’s was funny. That meteor fragment price tho…
Hopefully Sakura will find the answer she is looking for.
Forgot to mention Mira happily letting two girls fight over her was excellent. That and Suzu yet again showing why she’s our avatar.