After Rin and Misa managed to tie against Fuka and Inori, they realized something. The Orcano isn’t fast enough to even beat them. Upgrades costs money, so the girls decide to take some part time jobs.
It’s obvious that Misa and Rin are at a disadvantage. Sure, Fuka’s and Inori’s jet sky is heavy, but it’s also fast. In other words, to even stand a chance against Kaguya, they need a power upgrade. Of course, Fumika isn’t going to write them a blank check without them beating Kaguya first.

Yes, it’s the chicken and the egg problem. Without a power upgrade, Rin and Misa don’t stand a chance against them. Also, Kiriko revealed that the latest power engine will cost 300,000 yen and a 200,000 yen for an older one. You know what this means, right? Kiriko, Hina, Rin and Misa took part time jobs during summer break. Kiriko worked at a bakery, which she gets nervous when she sees pretty girls. Also, Hina’s job kind of reminds me of Shamiko handing out samples of wieners. Rin and Misa worked at a maid café. Of course, Misa becomes embarrassed when she has to say that phase to make the food delicious.

At the end of the day, the girls manages to save up only 280,000 yen, which is short of the goal of 300,000 yen let alone 400,000. Thankfully, Jennifer and Emily offered them a job to serve at a beach café. Of course, Jennifer’s aunt owns the restaurant stand. Either way, they managed to sell out all the food and earned the remaining 20,000 yen.
With that, Misa and Rin played on the beach until they found another opportunity. Yes, it’s a beach volleyball tournament. Emily, Jennifer, Manatsu, Yuzu, Diyu and Ziyu decides to join in. While Misa doesn’t want to do it at first, after seeing the prize money of 100,000 yen, she changed her mind. If Rin and Misa manage to win, they can get the latest power engine. This can give them the chance to beat Kaguya.

I have to say that while the volleyball match has a bit more fanservice than Harukana Receive, it definitely didn’t disappoint. It has a lot of volleyball action. Eventually, Rin and Misa faced off Diyu and Ziyu on the final round. I find it funny how Diyu and Ziyu becomes frustrated that Rin and Misa won’t give up.

The thing that handed Rin and Misa a win is when Diyu’s and Ziyu’s producer came to drag them away. In other words, Rin and Misa won by default. Either way, it’s nice to see more Rin and Misa moments as always. With their latest engine, maybe they will stand a fighting chance to finally beat Kaguya. We’ll see soon enough.
There can never be enough beach episodes in ecchi anime. It’s true there was no need but what kind of person who cherishes and respects the female body would turn down such a magical trope?
So happy the spirit of Harukana Receive lives on. Bless that show and this one so very much!
The beach part of the episode delivered and then some! More RinMisa bonding is always nice to see. Glad we got some confirmation for the KaguyaKuro and YuzuMana couples. Not that we needed confirmation to know they’re dating too but it’s nice to see regardless.
Lastly and most important of all, Jennifer’s Aunt. Nuff said.
Definitely. But yes, it’s nice to see some type of beach volleyball until another season of that said show happens someday. Still, nice to see Rin and Misa relationship progressing.