A girl named Mile starts her new life as a normal girl in a new world. However, she soon realizes that this is not the case at all.
Mile finally arrives in a city where she will attend a hunter’s prep school. Her actual name is Adele von Ascham, a noble girl that Kurihara Misato reincarnates into. She was a gifted student. As a result, she had no friends. When she saved a girl from a truck, in her after life, she wanted average abilities as her bonus skills in her new life. The funny thing is that this is not necessary the case. More on that later.

As expected, the city that Mile explores is just a city you would find in a fantasy role-playing game. She runs into a knight that looks like a guy, but actually is a girl. Next, she runs into a mage who tells her not to go into the alley since it’s dangerous place for a child. Lastly, she runs into a lady with large breasts. The funny thing is that she will see them again later on.

You might be wondering, is Mile really an average girl? At a glance, not really. Not only she could fill the vase up with magic without reciting a spell, she can carry a heavy bag of orc meat and put it in her pocket.

During that time, she heard that there is a child kidnapper and she needs to be careful. Since Mile is short, she might become a target. When she returns to the inn, two workers seem worried about Lenny. With that, she goes out to find her and went into the alley.
Of course, two thugs came to tried to kill her, until a knight girl tries to defeat her. While the thugs injure her, Mile eventually used sleep magic on the thugs to save her life. Her name is apparently Mavis. Mile decides to help her save the children from the kidnappers.

They eventually find the hideout of the kidnappers. Two guards came out and the same mage that met Mile before saves her. Her name is Reina. They eventually find the door and Mile was able to unlock it with her magic. She finds all the scared girls and the well-endowed girl named Pauline who is also a healer that Mile met earlier. I find it funny how Pauline let the kidnappers kidnap her to take care of the kids. Those are really dumb kidnappers if you ask me. She also mentions this as a family business, which makes me wonder if she is part of some kind of mafia or something.

Mile worries over Lenny that she needs to find the perpetrators. I find it funny that the lady who is the leader of the villainous group wanted to kidnap children to have a harem of beautiful girls. She wants Mile too because, well she looks like a child. She doesn’t take it well and uses a powerful skill on her, thus utterly defeating the villainous party.

In reality, Mile is not an average girl after all. While she wished to have average skills, in reality, god interprets this as taking the power of the most powerful creature, the elder dragon and averaging it out by the weakest. In other words, she is still overpowered. More powerful than Bell? Most likely.

With that, Mile becomes embarrassed after using her skills and runs away in embarrassment. Meanwhile, Mavis, Reina and Pauline are in shock. The funny thing is that they are her roommates at the dorms. This makes me wonder how the next episode will pan out now that Mile revealed her great powers. As for Lenny, she just came back late from shopping. It appeared that Mile overreacted for nothing.
Promising premiere. It has potential to be something great.
Hopefully Mile will manage to create a female harem of her own. Still, I wonder how much powerful she is.