Now with Anna defeated, everyone is wondering what happened to her? Well, the outcome seems very unexpected.
During the battle between Fukami and Anna from last time, Kuon was facing off Suishou, the other villain. Apparently, Suishou has a strong interest in her for some reason. It’s obvious by now that she is the one that cursed Kuon’s older sister. Kuon is even willing to surrender in exchange to have the curse removed on her older sister. Of course, Suishou is not having it as she brings Kuon and kisses her on the lips against her will. Of course, Mangetsu witnesses this and wonders what the meaning of this.

All the sudden, Mangetsu woke up as Kuon is about to kiss Mangetsu before she stopped. They soon realized that they are completely naked. I find it funny how this happens to Mangetsu the second time. The thing is, Fukami knew about this. She reveals that Mangetsu and Kuon has to envision what they are wearing or they will be naked. That explains everything.

You might be wondering, what happened to Anna? Well, Fukami destroyed Anna’s core and ARMANOX last time. The pig has some clues on what actually happened. While they figured out who is Kuon’s enemy, Anna is mentioned. When they ask what mage family she is from, apparently Nene revealed that the Fugo bloodline was defeated before she did.

Fukami was in shock that Nene doesn’t remember. It gets worse from here. Anna’s mother and Clare doesn’t even remember Anna. Instead of Anna with her mother and Clare, Rosa is there taking Anna’s place. It appears that after Anna’s defeat, her existence is completely obliterated. Only Mangetsu, Fukami, Kuon and apparently Suishou knows of her existence. I guess the power of the Fugo crystal and Anna was too much for her to bear that it erased her existence.

Meanwhile, Nene continues to investigate why Fukami and the others still in the Granbelm still remembers Anna and everyone else doesn’t. She eventually finds something interesting. There are magical sources in the world that are being cancelled out. While Nene investigated one of the sources, it led to Mangetsu’s house. I wonder who is the source. Is it Mangetsu?

Meanwhile, we find out the reason behind Suishou’s fixation on Kuon. She is apparently targeting Mangetsu and trying to persuade her to pair up in the next battle. She refuses and asks about her interest in Kuon. Apparently, Suishou seems to have a crush on both Shisui and Kuon. This can explain why she cursed Kuon’s older sister to possibly lure her. She even tells Mangetsu to drop out of the Granbelm since she has nothing. These words bother Mangetsu, more on that later.
In other words, Suishou is definitely a psychopath. As Kuon attempts to kill Suishou with a sword, she falls short of doing so. Suishou forcefully hugs Kuon with some more manipulation and taunting. Before Suishou tried to kiss Kuon, she pushed her away. Either way, Suishou is looking to become the next villain to take down. The question is, will Kuon face her off by herself or ask for help again.

With that, the words from Suishou caused Mangetsu to have a nightmare with the feeling that she is nothing. Fukami eventually asks Mangetsu if she is still up. She talks to her. Of course, Fukami also wants Mangetsu to drop out, but for different reasons. She felt that seeing Mangetsu fight hurts her since Mangetsu doesn’t have a reason compared to others. This is when Mangetsu mentions the words Suishou said.
Obviously, Mangetsu has something to fight for. It’s the burden of having nothing and she wants to do something with it. Mangetsu eventually notices Fukami’s tear tracks. Apparently, Mangetsu notices that Fukami is sad about Anna. Of course, Fukami notices the tear tracks. In other words, they realized how much they have in common.
This brings back the point the reason why Mangetsu fights in the Granbelm. When Suishou asked earlier why Mangetsu is fighting for, she answered for Fukami’s sake since she likes her and wants her wish to become true. Now, it’s quite obvious that Mangetsu have romantic feelings for Fukami. After all, her ARMANOX is named White Lily, which comes as no surprise.

The yuri skyrocketed this episode and it was glorious. Hopefully Mangetsu and Ernesta confess to each other before the show ends.
Very intrigued by the Suishou, Shisui and Kuon “love” triangle. Suishou is a bargain bin Yurizono.
Well definitely, It was pretty subtle until now. Now it becomes more obvious, which isn’t surprising when there is an Armanox named White Lilly.
Either way, future developments regarding Suishou should be interesting.