Now that Anna managed to obtain the Fugo crystal against her mother’s will, is it enough?

From last time, it’s obvious that Anna went off the deep end. She attempted to murder her mother to steal the Fugo crystal just because it’s bigger. Thankfully, their mother didn’t die as she made it to the hospital. However, she is in critical condition and Anna’s whereabouts is unknown. It’s understandable why Clare blames Fukami for this. However, Fukami promises her that she will send Anna home.
At the same time, it’s nice to see Kibou coming over to visit Nene and her sisters. Meanwhile, Nene is waiting to see the battle between Fukami and Anna. The lucky pig charm that she gave to Mangetsu allows her to do that. I guess this will become more important later on as Nene promised Mangetsu that she will help her.

What is interesting is that while Fukami skipped rocks using magic, it’s obvious that she wanted someone else to take Anna out. That way, Anna wouldn’t have to deal with becoming humiliated by losing to Fukami. I guess Fukami knows that her abilities have caused Anna to become jealous. That jealousy and hatred eventually led Anna to jump off the deep end. Yes, this means hurting her mother just for the sake of taking the family crystal.

The question is, is this worth it in the end for Anna? While Clare wants the things back like it were during the old days, Anna doesn’t seem to care. While she admits that sometimes she doesn’t care about the Granbelm, her actions say otherwise. She just wants to get back at Fukami since she is jealous at her success.

As they say, jealousy is a deadly sin and it eventually led to Anna’s downfall. Despite welding the power of the Fugo crystal, she couldn’t use it effectively against Fukmami. Sure, the battle between them is probably the most intense part of the episode, the end result matters. While Anna tricks Fukami towards the end when Fukami wanted to shake her hand and almost finished her, Anna didn’t realize her weapon shattered the Fugo crystal.
In the end, Anna caused her own downfall for her never-ending hatred towards Fukami. The thing is, it doesn’t have to be this way. Seeing the last flashback where Anna hands Fukami a small crystal that she found and encourages her to become a mage shows how much she changed, for the worse. If Anna stayed out of the mage thing as she is not cut out for it, maybe she wouldn’t end up like this. Still, Anna is probably not a complete goner despite fusing herself with the crystal. There is a possibility that she has mental issues from using such a powerful crystal. Either way, we’ll find out her ultimate fate next time.
Kibou X Nene-Nee is soul food.
I would imagine Anna ending up in an insane asylum or mental ward. Best she can hope for is Mangetsu wishing for an ultimate healing spell that helps everyone.
Poor Ernesta.
Given that Anna used.that big crystal, I have a feeling that she will experience fate worse than death. Quite unfortunate, but was it worth it in the end? Obviously, Fukami will feel bad about this.