Now that I finished most of the winter anime, it’s time to take a look at what I plan to watch for spring. If you guessed already, it’s not much unfortunately.
Also, there are no April Fools jokes in this preview as I don’t pull pranks anymore. Everything is real.
Hitori Bocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu
Air Date: April 5, 2019
Studio: C2C
Believe it or not, this is the only anime that is not a TV short that has a mostly female cast. The main character, Bocchi Hitori is extremely shy, probably even more so than Hoshino Miyako. Her goal is to make friends with the entire class by graduation. I wonder if she can achieve that goal.
Hachigatsu no Cinderella Nine
Air Date: April 7, 2019
Studio: TMS Entertainment
This show is apparently based on a mobile game focusing on a girl’s baseball team. While the gender of the manager can be chosen as either male or female, if it’s male and it becomes a harem anime of some sort, I probably won’t watch it. If it’s something like Ongaku Shoujo or Uma Musume where the male character hardly has a role, I will still cover it.
That is about it. While it’s not much, most of it is either sequels of shows I am not interested in, harem shows which I do not cover anymore, or TV shorts. I guess the only upside is that I will have more time finishing the backlogs and coming up with other content.
Site Updates
In the past few months, I finally receive some job interviews (four to be exact) in the past three months after spending 2018 with absolutely nothing. I am confident that this time I will at least receive at least one job offer. If not, the suffering continues, but I hope it doesn’t come to that. I absolutely do not want to spend yet another year in limbo.
If I start working full-time again, I will only cover like two series per season and cover anything else in one weekly post like I did in the past. I will make a formal announcement if I finally receive a job offer and share future plans afterwards. However, I do not plan to remove the advertisements regardless of what happens.

Blog wise, I made numerous changes to this blog. Sure, I am still frustrated by the lack of comments, but there some aspects that are improving. First is the search traffic. Now it’s starting to go back up thanks to some changes I made. The first change is moving to a newer version of the Genesis Framework child theme. This improved page loading times and adding mobile responsiveness with a more modern design. However, we have no plans to move to WordPress 5.x anytime soon since the new Gutenberg editor is complete garbage and 4.9.x will still receive security updates.
However, there is a drawback to depending on mobile responsiveness for mobile with the child theme I created. The comment section currently does not view properly on smartphones as the content in the comments are unreadable. Because of this, we do not plan to move off WPTouch Pro anytime soon. I will be renewing it once I start working again.
The next noticeable change is the page loading times. Yes, we finally moved to PHP 7.2, which has a lot of speed and security improvements over 5.6, which went end of life at the end of last year. Thankfully, nothing broke in the process, although I had to fix a few hiccups when I initially upgrade to it.
From these changes, I’m finally noticing some improvements in search traffic. After all, slow page loading times can actually hurt your rankings on search. I highly suggest everyone who is self-hosting their WordPress blog to move over to newer versions of PHP if possible. If your shared hosting doesn’t allow you to, move to another host if possible.
if you are computer savvy and know how to use Linux, you can move to a virtual private server, set it up and have a faster loading site. Also, it’s not that expensive anymore. You can get a VPS with 1 GB of RAM and 20GB SSD storage for $3.50 a month. By managing your own server, it will be a good learning experience if you want a career in Information Technology or you are currently studying it in college.
Lastly, we now have a Ko-fi, which appears at the end of every post along with a WordPress Reader follow button. While it’s optional, I eventually plan to commission some art work to create a mascot character to replace the existing banners. Also, I may remove advertisements if I receive donations constantly. Any funding will go back into improving the blog and buying content to review and cover as well.
Aside from this, expect some more content such as full series reviews, editorials, manga reviews and such in the spring. Also, feel free to share what you are planning to watch this spring as well in the comments.
Yes. Spring 2019 is a good season to take it easy and not be bound by keeping up with weekly shows as there aren’t many that appeal to us. Gives us a good excuse to work on our backlogs.
Best of luck with increasing traffic on your blog. Keep up the good work dood.
Yes, need to finish that backlog either with shows I planned to watch and never got around to along with that stack of manga and games. Hopefully I will at least clean out some of it in the meantime.