Last time, Mao screws up by revealing that she is the Demon Lord in front of Yulia and her friends. Now that she kidnapped Rona and Meigo, is she a goner?

From last time, Rona wanted to take Meigo to her house to protect her. Of course, Mao got into the moment and accidentally revealed herself as the Demon Lord. Afterwards, she kidnapps Rona and Meigo. Mao now realizes that she made a huge mistake by doing this. Still, it’s funny how Meigo knows a lot about Mao. This includes Mao composing poems in her secret room.
She eventually reveals some information to Yulia and her friends, who arrived at the forest near the Demon Lord’s lair. This is after Lush gives Yulia a Cartado that would help her find Mao. After Meigo told the whole hero and Demon Lord prophecy revealing the same Demon Lord revives at the same time the Hero appears.
After Meigo reveals that Yulia is the last hero, Yulia soon realizes that Mao will disappear forever if she defeats her. I guess Rona learns that the heroes she long admires are kind of like slaves meant to take down the Demon Lord for the island’s sake. Still, I find it funny how Rona admits not knowing that Mao was the Demon Lord. She taunted Mao by using lines from her favorite books mostly because it sounded cool.
You might be wondering what will Yulia do. She is in a dilemma. Does she defeat Mao and see her disappear forever? Or she doesn’t fight her at all and risk the island getting destroyed. She takes the third option. She goes back to where everything started at the school. With that, Rona, Meigo and Mao appears. Mao wants to fight Yulia as she transforms into her Demon Lord form.

Instead of fighting Mao, Yulia throws the hero sword at Chibi and she eats it. Shortly afterwards, Yulia realized she made a mistake. They soon realized that they have no way to defeat the Demon Lord now. Meigo proceeds to throw Mao at Chibi and Chibi eats her and eventually spits her out. I find it funny how Yulia and her friends freaked out until Chibi spits Mao out. As expected, Mao become angry at Chibi until she realizes that her Demon Lord powers are gone. If only Madoka can throw Kyubey at Chibi, she could get rid of the concept of witches. Oh wait, she already did that, in a different way.

Believe it or not, Meigo went back in time after the time warp traps Yulia and her friends along with Mao. A dragon came and ate Meigo while in the time dimension. In other words, Meigo survived since Chibi ate Meigo’s concept of being a golem. In other words, Chibi just ate the concepts of a Demon Lord and the Hero, making them null and void.

Still, it’s funny how Yulia and her friends didn’t know where Chibi came from. They only know that she suddenly appeared after Yulia and her friends went back in time. I guess this turns out well in the end as Yulia doesn’t have to defeat Mao and Mao can live a normal life that she always wanted.
Final Impressions
As expected, Endro is a fun show with a lot of fun moments. Sure, it feels more like a comedy rather than an adventure with Yulia and her friends doing quests and defeating monsters. Still, the characters are what really made this show really enjoyable to watch. Sure, Yulia’s party acts so silly that one can compare them to Milky Holmes. Thankfully, unlike the latter, Yulia’s party are very competent as they managed to defeat a sea-god in one instance. Overall, it’s a fun watch, especially those who enjoy the slice of life genre with a mostly female cast with some fantasy elements.
Of course, you can’t forget the yuri pairings, namely Rona and Yulia along with Lush having a huge crush on Mao. It’s not too surprising since Namori worked on the character designs, who is known for Yuru Yuri.
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