It’s summer time and Hinata, Hana and Noa is on summer break. You know what this means, right?

I know, most will be disappointed that they didn’t to a beach, but it’s to be expected. After all, Miyako is simply too shy to bring Hinata, Hana, and Noa to a beach let alone a public pool. Instead, they spend time in a wading pool at home. While Hinata wore a shirt and shorts while wearing a swimsuit under it, Hana wore a school swimsuit and Noa wore a two piece. As expected, Noa is cute in hers and Miyako seems to agree. It seems that Miyako doesn’t like school swimsuits despite finding Hana cute. Sadly, Miyako didn’t wear one, although I think she would look good in one.

While it’s nice to see Hinata and Noa have fun playing with water through water guns, hoses and buckets, they accidentally threw water on Miyako and Hana. Also, it’s funny how Miyako admits that Noa is the cutest currently. Sure, Hana doesn’t seem to care how cute she is and doesn’t want Noa to sulk, she puts on Miyako’s sweat jacket. It changes everything.

After wearing it over her swimsuit, Miyako finds Hana cute again and goes crazy with the picture-taking. This time, she uses a digital camera instead of her smart phone. While smartphones these days are waterproof, I guess she wanted the extra picture quality and optical zoom. Even so, I felt for Noa given how much self-depreciation she had to deal with by not being the cutest. Yes, Miyako kind of deserves having a bucket of water thrown at her, especially for telling a lie.

The next day, Hinata, Hana and Noa work on their homework modeling stuff with clay. I find it funny how Hinata always makes something that is based on her older sister. She did it with the Sugoroku last time with Noa and Hana. Apparently, her class seems to find Miyako as a role model for being a cool older sister. It must be Hinata praising her sister so much that her classmates believes this. I wonder how Kanon and Kayori would react if they find out that their perception of Miyako is completely different to real-life Miyako. Still, Hinata managed to make a good save so that her sister’s reputation won’t become tarnished as we see later.

Aside from that, I find it funny how Noa thinks Higero is cute. The funny thing is that the Higero figurine Hana made looks plain weird. As expected, Noa goes into self-deprecation mode over this and Hana has to bring her back. Still, I have to admit that the statue of Miyako Hinata made is weirder than Hana’s Higero clay figure.

Lastly, we have the summer festival. As expected, Hinata, Noa and Hana look great in their Yukatas. Sadly, Miyako didn’t wear one given how shy she is, but she would look good in one. There is a good reason. She can’t handle festivals well given how extreme her shyness is. This is where she gets into trouble through a misunderstanding.

She eventually goes to a place that is not crowded, but still want to take pictures of Hana. Yes, that is a recipe for disaster as a police woman catches her doing stealth photography. Hinata and her friends had to explain that this was a misunderstanding. Nevertheless, Miyako still feels traumatized from the situation.

Of course, there is that moment with Kanon and Kayori during the festival. As expected, there are some nice pairing moments between the two as Kayori tries to win a ring toss game to win a bracelet. Sadly, she couldn’t until Kanon managed to win two of them.
Seeing Kanon put a red bracelet on Kayori and hold hands afterwards show that they are already a true pairing. To me, I think they make a cute pairing besides Noa and Hinata. Still, I wonder when they will come over to Hinata’s house to meet Miyako in person. Maybe next time.