Now, our animal friends are now back as a girl wakes up and finds herself in a strange place.
Kyururu, who looks very familiar walks out an abandoned building after waking up. She enters the park, namely the savanna area. She eventually encounters Karakaru. Karakaru doesn’t know what kind of friend Kyururu is. Shortly after, some Ceruleans appeared. Serval appears to defeat it. After Serval identifies Kyururu as a human, they went to the building where she woke up to look for clues. After Kyururu picks up her backpack and sketchbook, she and Karakaru and Several start their adventure finding the place where she came from.

As expected, Kyururu looks very similar to Kaban from the original features. She apparently has a small ponytail and knows how to sketch as seen with her sketchbook. It has a drawing of the place she remembered. Still, it’s surprising that Serval still doesn’t have any recollection of the girl she traveled with. It cannot be that long since Serval and Kaban went their separate ways. Surprisingly enough, she knows that Kyururu is a human from her experiences.

Overall, there is not much to say about the rest of the episode. Basically, Karugamo leads them to the place Kyururu, Kakaru and Serval headed to. Thankfully, she defeats a Cerulean that chased after the train car as Kyururu, Kakaru and Serval left as they head to Azua Park. Overall, the animation is a slight improvement, although it’s still done in CG. Hopefully Kaban will appear in some kind of cameo at some point.
That said, I won’t be covering future episodes since there is not much to say, even for the first episode. In other words, I will share my thoughts about this series on Twitter. If you are interested in my impressions of the second season of Kemono Friends, follow me on Twitter or Mastodon, which has a mirror of my Twitter feed.
So far the show feels similar to the first season, which is a good thing. It has new mysteries revolving around Kyururu’s identity, what caused Serval to forget about her previous adventure and whatever happened to Kaban. Hopefully all questions are eventually answered.
I agree with that sentiment. It does fell like the first season, but with a different main character and new animal friends. Also, those two animal friends looking for Kyururu for some reason. Hopefully Kaban will show up as a cameo of some sort.