After the Cheer Association’s performance, something still bothers Kotetsu. Also, Kohane becomes excited over going to a Cheer shop.
Uki finds Kotetsu complaining about her weight after she finds out that Kohane is afraid of heights. She eventually learns the reason why Kohane is afraid of heights. Kohane was on top of the swing set bar and jumped off thinking she can fly while it’s windy. She ended up hitting her head and landing in the hospital.
The next day, Hizume, Kotetsu, Kohane and Uki visit the to buy supplies to make pom-poms. While eating lunch, Hizume reveals that she wants to get along with her classmates more. She decided to hand out pom-poms while smiling to the girls. While the girls seemed scared, this change when Kohane hugs Hizume. They became jealous at Kohane for hogging Hizume. Either way, Hizume’s classmates started getting along with her. When Uki, Kotetsu and Kohane went up to their club room, a pink-haired girl came out. She seems annoyed that Hizume is in the Cheer Association.

From last time, Kotetsu seems worried about her weight. She let Kohane go on top without realizing she is afraid of heights. This bound to happen. Still, it’s funny how Kotetsu brings weights to try to lose weight. I don’t think she realizes that muscles actually weigh more than fat. I think that would defeat the purpose of what she is trying to do.
Still, it’s kind of funny how Hizume found out that Kotetsu is skipping meals to lose weight. On the long run, it doesn’t work as you may end up eating more in the end. As for Kotetsu, she actually ate quite a lot.

At last, we learn why Kohane gained her fear of heights. It’s for a serious reason. She jumped off a swing set thinking she can fly. Sadly, she ended up hitting her head and landing in the hospital. Understandably. her parents became worried about her. This can explain why Kohane is scared of heights. She probably doesn’t want a replay of what happened during her childhood.

As expected, when Hizume mentions that she wants to take the girls to a cheer shop, Kohane became excited. It’s funny how Kohane can’t contain her excitement when they got there. Uki had to hold her back. When they went into the shop, Kohane is like a little girl in a candy shop. With that, there are some nice Kohane and Uki moments as they tried on some cheerleading uniforms. Sadly, Kohane’s dreams are dashed after seeing those high prices. If only she can get one more member to join.
From the looks of it, it seems that Hizume is alone mostly because her classmates won’t interact with her. I find it funny how Kohane is right all along. She believes that her classmates are avoiding her since they admire her, but afraid to interact with her. When Hizume tried to hand out pom-pom with a smile and Kohane jumped in, the girls became jealous. They believed that Kohane is hogging Hizume.

The funny thing is that by Kohane stepping in, she finally brought out the girl who observed Hizume secretly. Yes, it’s the red-haired twin-tailed girl. She is not happy that Hizume is in the association. It seems that this red-haired girl also looks up to Hizume and she is a feisty one. It makes me wonder if she has a crush on her or something. Either way, it’s a definite that she will join so she can be with Hizume, thus upgrading the Cheer Association into a full-fledged club.
When Hizume explained what happened with the rainy day, my thought was “Everyone has a crush on her.” I was right.
Kotestu seemed a little flustered when Hizume picked her up. Can’t say I blame her.
It’s not flying, it’s falling. With style.
It’s not too surprising given how talented Hizume is. But this can explain why all the girls become jealous after Kohane hugged her and that red-hair girl appearing at the end.