After hearing rumors from her friends about a doll-like figure in a forest, Akari has to find out. However, she manages to get lost in a forest, until someone saves her.
A normal high school girl named Amano Akari decides to go into a forest to find the house of a living doll. Instead, she manages to lose her way, until she found a silver-haired girl that she heard rumors about. The girl happens to be a vampire. That girl rescues Akari to safety and takes her to the mansion, which is in a normal neighborhood.
The silver-haired girl introduces herself as Sophie Twilight. Akari goes to Sophie’s house to learn more about her and help her around the house. While Sophie finds Akari somewhat annoying, she allows Akari to stay over after she received her parent’s approval. Eventually, Sophie allows Akari to move in since she thinks it might be fun having Akari live with her. Afterwards, Akari hugs her and the next day, moves in.

From the looks of it, Akari getting close to Sophie sounds very familiar. Yes, it’s like Shinobu who obsesses foreigners after a home stay, especially blonde hair girls like Alice. Given that Akari has similar looks to Shinobu, this is not too surprising. This time, Akari obsesses over doll-like girls that happens to be a vampire. The funny thing is that Sophie rescues her, which of course going to add Akari’s infatuation towards her.
Aside from Sophie’s house being in a normal neighborhood, it’s surprising that she acts like a normal human. Sure, she doesn’t age, can’t handle daylight well, and hates garlic, it’s surprising that she won’t bite Akari and suck her blood. Of course, this disappoints Akari. Instead, Sophie orders blood online and have it shipped to her. This shows that Sophie doesn’t go out that much. This is not too surprising since she tried to attend high school and she couldn’t survive three days of it.

Afterwards, she drinks it from a tea-cup, as soup or as an ice pop. The funny thing is that Sophie does suck the blood from Akari’s finger when she accidentally cut herself. Of course, it seems that this too much for her to handle and apparently, Akari wants more. Thankfully, Sophie stopped her before Akari seriously injures herself.
Eventually, Akari takes a peek in the coffin and it contains a dakimakura. It doesn’t come at a surprise since Sophie watches late-night anime since she is up during the night and it’s the only thing on television.

Sure, Sophie is probably annoyed with Akari since she comes every day. I find it funny how Sophie picks up a steam roller to try to scare Akari. While initially it looks like it, Akari came back with jars of things she can’t open. It’s obvious that she is trying to use her. Kind of silly, but to be expected given Akari’s growing love for her. It’s surprising that her parents allow her to stay over knowing the fact that her new friend is a vampire.

With that, the first episode is definitely fun with a lot of yuri moments. This becomes obvious when Akari hugs Sophie after she allows her to move in. Afterwards, she imagines herself and Sophie marrying each other. I think she is getting a bit ahead of herself with that. With that said, I wonder how her new friendship will play out.
The show is super gay right away and I LOVE IT! It’s Vampire KinMosa and that is GLORIOUS!
It’s not too surprising given that Sophie did rescue Akari and the rest is history. Still, it’s funny that Akari’s obsession over Sophie probably exceeds Shinobu’s obsession for blonde hair girls.