Now, the match that we are waiting for is finally here. Haruka and Kanata faces off against Claire and Emily in the final round.

As you would expect, the match is definitely an exciting one. It’s obvious that Claire and Emily are pumped up and serious. In short, it’s not going to be an easy win for Haruka and Kanata. Still, it’s quite amazing that Claire faked them out thinking that it will go out-of-bounds by kicking the ball. I don’t think that is even allowed. Either way, that doesn’t matter since she spikes the ball out-of-bounds, allowing Haruka and Kanata score their first point.

Meanwhile, Akari becomes worried about the outcome. I have to admit that it’s silly to see her do that dance, but it kind of worked. Either way, Haruka and Kanata manages to catch up to them, despite being one or two points behind. However, Emily surprises them towards the end by doing a dump and eventually a strong serve, allowing them to win the set. This definitely caught Haruka and Kanata off guard since Emily is usually calm and usually have Claire do the heavy lifting. Not anymore.
From the looks of it, it’s not so surprising to see this happen. In the flashback, Emily relied heavily on Claire as she stayed in the back. She was okay with just playing with her older sister. When she saw Kanata and Narumi beat her and her older sister, she realized that her older sister wasn’t perfect. Still, the thing that she never forgot is what Kanata said to her. She said that one can’t play beach volleyball without their partner and that aces doesn’t exist. This probably can explain why Narumi believes that there is no such thing as aces.

Aside from that, Haruka and Kanata starts their second set with Claire and Emily. Will they make a comeback or is it over for them? Given that Kanata countered Emily’s dump, it’s obvious that Kanata is in it to win. Either way, we have to wait until next week to see how the rest of the match goes.
A hard hitting match for sure. Both sides are giving it their all and HaruKana are doing a great job hanging in there with two of the very best in the biz. Emily revealing her true power and Kanata awakening her old self were both great moments. Super excited for the conclusion of this match.
Also seeing flashback Marissa in her GLRORIOUS purple bikini again was wonderful but what we all want is present day Marissa with her Athlete Mommy body in a bikini!
Definitely a good match despite Haruka and Kanata struggling to even gain the lead and be a few points behind. It should be interesting to see the eventual conclusion.
Yes, it’s nice to see more of Marissa, although it’s a flashback.