On the day of the photo shoot, trouble strikes as Ikenashi messes up the makeup artist’s appointment. With the threat of the photo shoot being canceled, Hanako devises a plan.
Like with Hiyou last time, the focus is on Shupe. Yes, it’s that girl who goes to sleep while naked. This doesn’t come at a surprise given that in one of the episodes, she was brushing Hiyou’s hair while not wearing a shirt.

Aside from that, it’s strange seeing Shupe without makeup since she looks like a different person. It’s mostly because of her eyes. Her eyes seem to come from her father’s side. With makeup, she becomes a completely different person. It’s not so surprising given that with makeup, anything is possible.

This time, it seems that the photo session preparations didn’t quite go well as planned. Ikenashi shows how useless he is as he manages to schedule the appointment on the wrong day. Apparently, Tsubasa who normally does the makeup for the girls is busy with other work and can’t make it.
I understand why the girls will be in a panic since they don’t have much experience applying makeup. At the same time Shupe doesn’t have much confidence in her skills when Hanako asks her. While it’s funny to see Roro’s face when Miku applied too much makeup, seeing Haru upset saying that she only wants Tsubasa do her makeup made the problem worse. I can understand why she feels this way as someone else might mess up her appearance. Either way, Hanako is at a big loss.

Thankfully, Hanako manages to bring the situation back into control by convincing the girls that they should focus on the theme. The theme is a spring with simple clothing. From Hanako’s explanation, this allows the girls to come up with some workable ideas. With that, it seems that Shupe gained enough confidence to help the girls out. She does a trial run on Sasame and she seems to like it.

Shupe seems to knows about how important relaxing their clients before applying their makeup. She mentions it when Hanako manages to calm down Haru by putting her feet in a bucket of water and putting a warm towel on her eyes. After all, her mother is a makeup artist. This can explain why Shupe knows a lot about makeup and calming down her clients. I guess with Shupe’s knowledge of applying makeup and having the girls’ trust in her gave her the confidence manages to convince Haru. From the looks of it, Haru is happy with the makeup Shupe applied.

In the end, it’s a good thing that things turned out better than expected. Sure, Ikenashi is useless and he should just stay in the background. Without Shupe stepping in and Hanako taking control of the situation, I think the photo shoot would become a huge disaster. Thanks to them, Ongaku Shoujo received a potential project proposal from an advertisement agency.

At least Haru now realizes that she doesn’t necessarily need to have Tsubasa to do her makeup if she can trust other people who are skilled to do it. Also, it seems that Shupe now wants to challenge herself and become popular. Either way, things should start looking up for the girls.
Shupe is best girl. That is all.