Today is the big race. Will Special Week beat Broye at the Japan Cup?
From Suzuka’s win from last time, it’s obvious that Special can’t let anyone down. Sure, Broye is a formidable opponent since she is really fast. It shows when she managed to beat El Pasa. Nevertheless, Special have to win because she made a promise to her mother after all. With Suzuka’s amazing comeback from last time, Special is motivated to win.

Of course, it’s nice to see Special’s mother meet Suzuka in person for the first time. It’s obvious that she already knows that Suzuka looks after Special, probably from all the letters Special wrote to her. Still, it’s nice to see her come and just like Special, she took the wrong train stop and ended up running to her destination.

As expected, it seems that everyone at the academy is supportive of Special. I find it funny how El Pasa tells Special to say something in French that she doesn’t understand. Special says “Don’t get too cocky” instead of “Let’s have a good race.” This got the other two girls fired up, which is funny. Also, Broye kissed Special on the cheek. This doesn’t come at a surprise since Broye does this as a greeting. To me, this not the first time I saw this since Hotarou kissed Aoba on the cheeks in the fifth episode in the second season of New Game.

As for the race itself, it’s surprising that Broye couldn’t catch up to Special. She knew her strategy, but it looks like that Special now have the push to win first place. As a result, Broye couldn’t obtain the lead from Special thanks to Suzuka calling out Special’s name, giving Special a final push to victory.

In short, Special manages to win the Japan Cup and of course, everyone was happy to see her win. Special finally achieves her goal and fulfills the promise of winning the Japan Cup. Aside from that, the last episode will focus on the Dream Cup race. You might be wondering who will win? We have to wait until next week.
As expected the race was an intense one. Fun highlights before the race including a better look at Broye’s hot bod.
What helped Special get the HUGE win was wonderful.
Yes, indeed. Glad that Special won this one as it would look really bad otherwise.