Now it’s time for the festival. Also, Suzuka reveals her dreams to Special Week.
At last, it’s the festival. The girls on Team Spica eventually split up to do their own festivities. After the festival ended, Suzuka shared her dreams with Special while sitting on a hill. She wants to win the tournaments in Japan so she can run overseas. This means winning the Mainichi Okan race. She also reveals that started running since her child and had fun doing it. However, she lost the fun after training and running for Team Rigil. She eventually wants to see green again decided to join Team Spica instead. At the race, Shizuka won as El Pasa couldn’t pass her. Also, Grass Wonder makes her comeback. However, it was too much for her and she couldn’t stage a comeback nor she placed.

I have to admit the moments during the festival is fun. Yes, Gold Ship forces McQueen to help her sell yakisoba. The funny thing is that when McQueen got her fortune told and the fortune teller says that she has bad luck. The funny thing is that the only thing that resolves it is buying Yakisoba. Of course, Gold Ship shows up complaining about the lack of sales. It’s obvious that the Gold Ship and McQueen pairing now have some legs. It’s not surprising since Gold Ship puts a bow on McQueen’s hair.

At last, we finally learn about Suzuka’s dream. It’s nice to see her childhood as she likes to run. This can explain why she initially join Team Rigil. However, given Trainer Hana’s tough training, it’s easy to see why Suzuka didn’t have much fun, which led her to join Team Spica instead so she can regain her passion. Still, it’s surprising that her dream is to run overseas. This means separating with Special at some point, unless she decides to tag along.

As for the race itself, it seems that nobody could surpass Suzuka. It’s not surprising given that Suzuka is fast. With that, El Pasa receives her first loss only placing in 2nd. Sadly, Grass Wonder failed to place as couldn’t keep up. I have to admit that it’s sad to see her fall behind towards the end. Thankfully, Trainer Hana had some sympathy and didn’t scold her, but instead hugs her. I have to admit that this moment makes her seem that she has compassion despite being strict.

Overall, it’s a fun episode. It’s nice to see a brief beach scene as the Trainer takes his team to a beach to train. It’s quite obvious. Also, it’s funny how he shoves his recent wins in front of Trainer Hana’s face. That is not good sportsmanship and hopefully he will realize this so his behavior won’t backfire on him. Aside from that, it’s nice to see Oguri Cap give up the big doughnut plush she won to Tamamo Cross.

Saddened we only yet again only got one piece swimsuits. Here’s hoping for future bikini scans.
Another good race. Hopefully El Condor Pasa’s first loss won’t turn her into a jerk.
Interested to see what they’ll do with Suzuka possibly leaving to race abroad at some point.
Gold McQueen continue being GLORIOUS.
We need more Amazon!
Yes, disappointing it might be. Hopefully some fan art can fix that. Still think that Special might actually try to improve so she can be with Suzuka.
The Gold Ship ship continues to improvess.