After going to the beach last episode, Dino comes up with a good idea for a one-off theme for a cafe.
After everyone enjoyed relaxing at the beach, it’s back to work. It’s surprising that Kaho came back with a nice tan. While Maika and Mafuyu didn’t receive a tan, Dino comes up with an idea. He decides to turn the café into a rainforest by adding tropical plants with the girls wearing beach clothing. Of course, this makes it hard for Maika to get around the café, which I find hilarious.

Sadly, the tropical rain forest theme makes it hard for Koyo to get around. He becomes frustrated and accidentally gropes one of Kaho’s breasts without realizing. While you should never do this without consent, Koyo didn’t mean it an apologized immediately. Either way, he felt down after what happened and touches Dino’s chest.
The next day, it seems that Dino forgot to order strawberries. Yes, Mafuyu unintentionally let Maika help Dino out with buying the strawberries. As expected, he decides to go to every supermarket since he is with Maika. I find it funny how every supermarket they go to have no strawberries except one. It makes me wonder if Japan a strawberry shortage or they are in high demand.

After looking all over, Maika and Dino found one pack of strawberries. When Maika grab it, a little girl did so at the same time. Maika gives a scary look and the girl cried. Thankfully, Dino apologized to the child’s mother. While the mother let Dino buy them, Maika feels upset.

After what happened at the supermarket, she thinks that her glare makes it impossible to work at a job that requires customer service. Thankfully, Dino tries to cheer her up, which ends up being creepy. The funny thing this time is that the police actually arrests him for real this time. He is asking for it given the big age difference.

Lastly, it seems that the café is becoming busy. As a result, the girls are forgetting their roles, except for Maika of course. They are thinking on hiring another waitress, although Koyo wants more kitchen staff. It’s obvious who is going to be the next new hire as a girl comes up to the poster. Yes, it’s an idol trait waitress, but that girl have a surprise waiting. What is it? We’ll find out next time.