I know it’s late since I covered my first show from the summer season, but I may as well share them now. Also, I will share some updates.
Hina Logi: From Luck & Logic
Airdate: July 1, 2017/July 23, 2017 (streaming)
Studio: Doga Kobo
I decided to pick this on the whim and I already shared my first impressions. This is apparently a spinoff of Luck & Logic which is based on a mobile card game. The first season from the look of it wasn’t well received.
With that, it’s obvious that the creators decide to take a different direction with a more light-hearted story with Princess Liones Yelistratpva attending an academy to become a Logicalist. She also looks up to Nina Alexandrovena after watching her on television. You know where this is going, right?
New Game!!
Air Date: July 13, 2017
Studio: Doga Kobo
I have to admit that the first season is very enjoyable as Aoba get a dream job at a game company. The show has enjoyable characters and pairings, namely Aoba and Hifumi along with Kou and Rin being the most notable. With the second season having a few more characters and the company working on a new game, it should be exciting.
As for the third show, I will figure out what I plan to watch. Maybe I’ll try Centaur’s Worries.
Life Updates
It seems that things aren’t going too well as the job search drags on. I expected that I will get answer by now as I received quite a few interviews and referrals. It seems that things are taking longer than expected since I am only applying to public sector jobs.
Obviously, this have taken a toll on my emotions and of course this blog given the lack of editorials and reviews. The prolonged job search has taken a drain on me as I can’t live a normal life without a good paying job. Thankfully, my family is there to help me until I get back on my feet. Added with the lack of comments and patrons on Patreon, it makes me feel worse.
I think things needs to change as the same old is not working. I want to redesign the blog’s theme and also create a new mascot, but I do not have money to invest back into the blog. While the advertisements help, it only generates about $1 a month. This means that will take about 100 months just to get a payout assuming the traffic doesn’t change.
To keep myself from becoming completely stressed out, I need to make anime blogging the main focus. With that, I plan on making some notable changes.
Effective immediately, I will only be only focusing on anime that have mostly female casts and yuri. This is in addition to my coverage of Japanese video game reviews, editorials and anime reviews. While there will be a few exceptions, for shows that don’t match these criteria will only have an overall review written. This doesn’t come at a surprise since I cover mostly these shows for a while now. I feel that these shows don’t get too much attention, at least in the blogosphere nowadays.
Second, there will be early access content that will require one to become a Patreon. A while back, I added the ability to login using a Patreon account. This is originally meant to grant user ad-free access. Now, there will be content that will be early access, which will be mostly reviews and video game first impressions. One can access this content early by contributing little as $1 a month. They will be available a week early before I make it available to the public.
In addition, I will allow people to ask questions related to anime, video games and such via twitter. Patreon supporters will get the answers weekly posted on the feed. I plan on posting the answers monthly in a post on the blog.
The first goal to reach by the end of July is $5 a month. I know that this is not easy since I haven’t had any luck in the past. Hopefully this attempt will have success since I need it for my sake and of course the blog’s survival. I will also start sharing posts from this blog on Patreon. If I can get this going, I may put more effort in creating non-written content as well.
With that, while things are tough, I can’t simply give up hope despite how bad things are and need to persevere. Believe it or not, during my first job search, which I had absolutely no actual work experience, I felt the same way. Aside from programming, Anime blogging mostly kept my mind off the numerous job rejections and time waiting for an answer back. As they say, chips will eventually fall into place. If I have some patrons and more comments in the meantime, maybe I will feel a bit better.
With that rambling out of the way, what shows do you plan to watch? Feel free to share them in the comments.
I wish you the best of luck in your real life endeavors. You’re a cool dood and deserve the best.
We’re both watching the shows you mentioned, including Centaur’s Worries. also I’d recommend Netsuzou Trap to challenge yourself. Plus I want more brave souls to join me down the rabbit hole.
Hopefully things will get better soon. It has been stressful, aside from problems on how this blog is doing and such.
As for Netsuzou Trap, I will probably wait until the end of the season since I am only planning to watch 4 shows in total. When I start working again, I will have to cut back on episodic posts.
Be strong dood.
That’s fine.