With Nina taking the girls to a spring, the girls decide to enjoy themselves on their break.
After all the hard work the girls did on their Urara training so far, they finally get a breather. Thanks to Koume, she brings out the swimsuits. I have to admit that the girls look cute in them.

Still, the swimsuit that Koume chose for Kon was funny. It seems that Koume liked seeing Kon so much in cosplay that she made a maid-style swimsuit. From the looks of it, Kon doesn’t seem to like that Koume singled her out. Even so, it’s impressive how Koume designed all these swimsuits

I have to admit, there were a lot of fun moments while the girls play in the spring. This includes Chiya’s bikini getting undone. It seems that she doesn’t like having it on even if she has too while swimming. Also, crabs are evil as they snip one of the straps and of course, hilarity ensues. This also happens to Ooshima and Shiozawa who is on patrol with Saku at the lake. As always, Saku’s reactions to this is hilarious.

Aside from that, it seems that Kon wants to try something forbidden. She wants to do spring séance, which is a ritual performed with two people. It allows them to temporarily amplify and share divination abilities. With that, Kon does it with Chiya and it leads to unexpected results. While it’s successful, it causes Kon to become frightened and even caused nightmares. She is afraid that she will lose her Urara powers from doing this.
After waking up from the nightmare, Kon shares her experiences with Chiya. Apparently, the séance probably allowed Kon to see the gods. From this realization, she becomes terrified that her powers might get taken away as punishment for breaking a taboo.

Even if Kon loses her powers, she doesn’t have to give up. Chiya ensures that she will defy the gods to get her powers back. I have to admit that moment was heartwarming, more so when Koume and Nono witnesses this moment.

In the end, it wasn’t the gods. It was simply ghosts that followed her home from their séance. At least this moment allowed them to strengthen their bonds. Also, it’s now obvious that Kon is in the lead to win Chiya’s heart.
ChiKon 4EVAH! Chiya willing to defy the gods for Kon and saying she’ll always be there for her was heartwarming. Koume and Nono not wanting to be left out of Chiya’s harem was also wonderful.
Too bad we didn’t get to see more of Captain Saku and her fangirls.
I’m very intrigued by the mystery woman coming next time.
It’s a good thing that it wasn’t the gods, but yes, it’s cute that Koume and Nono came. Yep, Chiya is a chick magnet nevertheless.
But yes, the next episode should be interesting.