It’s almost the big day as Riko goes off to the piano audition. On the other hand, You is acting strangely for some reason.
Now that preliminaries are coming up, the pressure is up for Aquors to perfect their performance. After seeing Saint Snow’s performance, which they managed to get first place, the girls need to make it on top too. Aside from cleaning the pool, it seems that You keeps messing up her dance routines. I wonder why she is making a lot of mistakes? Thankfully, she eventually masters it by using the same technique Chika used with Riko.

From the looks of it, it seems that You feels left out since Chika is focused on everyone else, especially Riko. Before Riko came along, it seems that You and Chika was the first one who signed up for the School Idol club. You felt left out as Chika didn’t want to do every activity with her, even in middle school. This probably explains why she joined the School Idol Club so that she can become idols together. Sadly, it seems that Chika is too focused with Riko and everyone else that You feels alone again.

Mari finally states the obvious. It seems that You have feelings for Chika. She tells You to be honest with her feelings. Sadly, it seems that it’s easier said than done. Still, it’s funny to see her imitate other members of the group as she figures out how to express her feelings. Thankfully, Riko gave her advice for You to do it her own way. As expected, Chika came over to You’s house to practice. After that, You finally hugged her. I have to admit that seeing You hug Chika was cute.

From the looks of it, it seems that Aquors performed without Riko. Yep, it seems that they done their own things. Thankfully, nobody gave up being a school idol and pulled out of Love Live yet. Either way, we’ll get to see if they go on to the final round next time.
Even though Riko is Chika’s one true love You won’t go down without a fight. On the bright side Chika will never leave her behind and cuddle with her when needed. the ChiRiYou OT3 lives on!
Mari was the only one with enough…”experience” to give You advice on how to best approach the situation. Mari did learn something from You as well, never cheat on your girlfriend(s).
Yohane’s awesomeness knows no limits. Same goes for Dia’s perfection.
It seems that Chika will definitely have a lot of things on her hands when it comes to picking one girl. But still, I think she equally likes them as much, although it’s obviously in Riko’s favor.
But I do agree that Mari knows her stuff… it’s obvious how she knows that You likes Chika too.