It’s that time of year again and yes, today is my 27th birthday. It seems like yesterday since I turned 26th when I started my first job. Now that I passed my first year of working at the job I am in, I got a taste of living independently. This is something that most people in my generation doesn’t get to experience due to debt and low wages.
I have to admit that the past year was rough, especially with a lot of things happening in 2016. As I shared earlier, my grandmother past away in March and of course, I experienced car problems late May and early June. It definitely had a damper on future plans such as possibly going to Anime conventions. I need to pay off the car off before I think about going to any. Not only that, I need to start thinking about dating as well since I want to start a family in a few years or so. Aside from this and other priorities, don’t expect this to change anytime soon. It’s mostly because these conventions are very expensive and there is none where I live.
Aside from that, my JLPT preparation is going steady, but I plan on taking the exam in 2017. I need more time to prepare and polish my Kanji knowledge. Aside from that, the blog will also see some changes, especially in the design aspect. The font changes are now in effect since last week. Eventually, the theme will get redesigned with plans of commissioning for a site mascot. With that, I am hoping to get the forums started again after sitting there for a year collecting dust. It will be an addition to this blog, which will allow discussion of series I don’t cover on this blog and other things. Hopefully these changes will improve discussion on this blog.
With that, feel free to say Happy Birthday in the comments below.
Happy Birthday and of luck with your future plans. Hoping to buy myself a car beginning of next year since my parents are letting me us their extra.
*best of luck
Hopefully things will get better and hopefully when I finally pay off the car (and trying to pay it off quicker to free up the budget). At least I know that there won’t be any more car troubles in the future.
But it’s a good thing that your parents might give some money to buy a new car.
Happy birthday to you dood! Hope all goes well with your car, work and future endeavors in the Japanese language.
Yes, and hopefully things will go well and less running around next year.
Happy birthday, man. Best of luck to you. I also really should start thinking about buying a car for myself.
Thanks. Of course I never thought about getting a car this early since I wanted to save money for one, but of course things happen. But yes, the new car has been good so far, so there is no worries.