Now that Chika managed to convince Riko to join, how will she get past Dia? Mari has an answer.
At last, Mari finally shows up. She apparently left the school after her the first year. Now that she is back after hearing rumors about the school creating a school idol group. After teasing Dia, she cuts a deal with Chika. If she can fill the whole gym for their first performance, she will approve the club no questions asked. Otherwise, they are forced to give up their dream.

This is Chika’s only chance as Dia will under no circumstance will approve such a club. The question is, how will she manage to fill the whole gymnasium? It will definitely take some effort since Chika doesn’t have magic like Honoka does. In short, she along with You and Riko passed out fliers. It looks like You managed to pass many out and convince other girls to watch them. As for Riko, it seems that she needs work, but she managed to pass one to a familiar girl at their school.
The irony is that they didn’t come up with a unit name before making the flyers. Of course, they eventually call themselves Aquors since that is their official unit name. Still, it’s funny that they decided on that name even though they don’t who written it on the sand. I guess we’ll never know who wrote it in the sand.

As for the performance, Chika thought that she will manage to fill the whole gym. Sadly, there were only a few students. They performed despite this until the power went out because of the storm. Yes, it is part of the plot, but at least they had power generators. The funny thing is that they ran them indoors, which will get them the Darwin reward. The girls should know to run them outside since generators exaust carbon monoxide. Then again, it’s a minor detail, but at least there is some realism to this. At least there were other students that helped them out with the lighting and such.

At the end of the day, it seems that Chika messed up the time and the audience appeared after all. With that, they performed for real and thankfully Chika didn’t give up. She eventually channeled what Honoka said in the movie that anything can happen. As long that the girls work hard to achieve their dream, anything can become true. With that, will the remaining 6 girls will join the club? We’ll find out soon enough as Dia resists, unless she changed her mind.
Mari made quite an impact. Mari X Dia FTW!
It was initially harder for Chika’s team to prevail because she doesn’t have magical powers like Honoka did.
Now Aqours is ready to create their own legend, one step at a time. You bet I’ll be cheering them on to victory!
Lastly You stepped up to challenge Riko for best girl in Chika’s OT3. Good luck You.
I heard that some people don’t like Mari, but she is all right. It seems that she had faith that Chika will succeed, even if it looks impossible. But yes, it will be interesting to see how Chika and her friends will pull it off and grow the group from here since it won’t be easy.