Now that Illya is in the alternate world, where is Miyu being held?
From the looks of it, it seems that the girl who wear Gothic Lolita clothing has found Illya and Tanaka. Her name is Beatrice and she has a card that gives one of her arms incredible strength. It looks like Tanaka the ditz as she stares at Beatrice as she was about to attack them. It looks like the amnesia is getting her into risky situations and Illya had to save her. Thankfully, Beatrice went away after recieving a call. Either way, her voice sounds like the tsundere queen we know and love.

Either way, it seems that little Gil has finally came back. This time, he is willing to help Illya out. Yep, Kirei is back, but not as a big threat in the main series. Of all things, he runs a ramen shop and forces Illya and Tanaka to eat Mabo Tofu ramen. He also makes them to pay for it, which is kind of evil after he saved them. Thankfully, Gil was out to pay for it before Kirei got really angry. Still, seeing Kirei run a ramen shop is very surprising indeed.

On the other hand, we learned more about Miyu. It seems that Gil helped Illya and Tanaka infiltrate the Ainsworth castle. Yep, they found Shirou locked up in a cell after trying to save Miyu from her ultimate fate the first time. Sure, he is different compared to the Shirou everyone seems to hate. Either way, Illya promises to him that she will save her and hearing that made him happy.

Aside from that, it looks like the woman who stole Gil’s powers has found Illya and the other. This can explain why Gil is after the Ainsworth since his powers got stolen by her. Either way, it looks like we are in for another battle as Illya somehow becomes able to get Ruby back. The next battle should be exciting.
Hot Gil is hot. Shame she’s an antagonist.
I can understand scrawny monster being mean though.
One of my fans suggested replacing Illya’s Shirou with Miyu’s. He’s certainly a massive improvement.
Tanaka’s still adorable.
Pumped for next week.
I do agree that she is rather hot compared to the actual Gil in the main series, but it’s obvious that she antagonist. Aside from that, I do agree that the Shirou in this world is tolerable compared to the one in the main world, who is mostly pathetic. Aside from that, the next episode should be exciting.