Yep, modding can be a lot of fun, especially when bikes are involved!
Bakuon – Episode 5 and 6

From the look of the 5th episode, it seems the girls finally made it to Hokkaido. The funny thing is that the cup, which is the so-called holy grail that Hane gave to Rin basically saved her. Yep, Rin tried to attempt to find out her top speed before realizing that there is a red fox on the road. Yep, history was about to repeat itself until the cup it her head, which causes her to brake before she caused an accident. Thankfully, she didn’t get injured or things would get rather ugly.
Aside from that, it seems that they made it at sunset while meeting Saruyama who attempted to commit suicide over getting dumped the thirteenth time. Apparently, she becomes attracted to other girls along with sexually harassing them when she is drunk. Yep, it’s quite obvious why she can’t retain a boyfriend because of how she behaves. Aside from that, that scene along with the girls wash their motorcycles while wearing bathing suits makes you realize that the creator also makes hentai. Still, it’s fun to watch the last half considering that girls washing cars in bathing suits is a thing in real life.

As for episode 6, it seems that the cultural festival is coming up and Onsa wants to do a race, especially a betting one for the Bike Club’s main activity. They talk about modding their bikes, which of course consists of tuning and customizing. While I don’t drive bikes or modify my car, I do play around with old computer hardware, which is like modding as you upgrade old parts with new ones. Yes, I actually put a high-end graphics card into an almost ten-year-old 8 core computer and it can actually play the latest games. Like a bike, modding it allows the bike to reach its full potential, even if it’s several years old.

As seen with Onsa driving her dad’s bike, which she thought was slow actually had a lot of hidden potential. It just takes a lot of effort to make it happen. Still, it’s funny that Hane’s idea of modding is to put a piece of paper over the speedometer along with putting extra turn signals and mirrors. I have to admit that it is pretty silly.
Aside from that, it’s halarious that Reimu bets and managed to win every race just to buy every single color of the GPZ250R. Not to mention, the principal even bought an expensive bike and she does not let Reimu ride it or even mess around with it while she gloats about it. I have to admit that it was funny to see her personality change when she saw students. Either way, I can’t wait to see who will win the race next time.
Kumamiko – Episode 6

From the looks of it, it seems that the village is declining and they are looking for a way to attract more people. This of course leads to Machi and Yoshio going to a mall. In short, it becomes a train wreck with Machi filled with anxiety given that she never steps foot in a mall before while feeling that she is not stylish enough given the clothes she wears. Not to mention, she becomes scared of bookstore that is not normal that she causes a big scene. I have to admit that it was funny to see her punch Yoshio, go down an escalator the wrong way and have a handsome teenage boy lift her. Yep, things were a total disaster that she becomes exhausted.
Aside from that, I felt bad for Natsu since he blames himself that he endlessly cries. After remembering the time when Machi nursed him back to health, he tried to do the same, but horribly. Thankfully, things worked out in the end with Machi letting out her emotions on Natsu. Still, it’s too bad she didn’t get to flip a table as Natsu prevented him to. Either way, it seems that he needs some rest before he can do anything else now.
Pan de Peace – Episode 6

Yep, it seems that Yuu find out every person’s nightmare, gaining weight. While exercise did the trick, it seems that all her hard work already got spoiled. Then again, a balanced diet is a better way to lose weight opposed to eating hardly anything since one will hardly have any energy. Still, I’m surprised that nobody stopped her from eating mini-sized melon bread.
Hundred – Episode 6

From last time, it seems that a Savage attacked the bus they were riding, thus Hayato have to defeat them before backups came. While he managed to beat the first one without his suit, it seems that Sakura can defend, which is very helpful. Either way, other Slayers came to help before hunters who have a Variant ability came to defeat it and steal the core, which is illegal. From the looks of it, it seems that they are probably using it for evil or to make Hundreds to sell on the black market. Either way, we’ll find out in a future episode.
The second half of the episode consists of Sakura’s performance. Sure, Sakura feels bad that the only reason people like her music is because she doesn’t sing normally. Thankfully, Hayato convinces her otherwise and was able to cheer her up. Aside from that, Karen was reminded of the last song Sakura sang, which made her realize that the girl she met during her childhood was actually Sakura.
From the looks of it, it seems that Sakura has finally joined Hayato’s harem as she kisses him before leaving and of course, surprising him as she wakes him up in his dorm room. Does this seem familiar? As expected, Claire and Emilia is jealous. I wonder when Hayato will stop being dense and realize that there are girls that are attracted to him. I guess it won’t be for a while.
Last Week’s Anime Power Rankings:
- Anne Happy – Episode 5
- Bakuon – Episode 5
- Haifuri – Episode 5
- Kumamiko – Episode 5
Pan de Peace continues showing us that it needs more time to be good.
Bakuon!!’s swimsuit segment was glorious and I can’t wait for episode 7!
I need to catch up on KumaMiko though I’m only one episode behind.
Still not interested in Hundred.
Yep the swimsuit scene was good, but I am still interested to see how the race will go with all those mods.
Aside from that, Hundred is not terribly exciting since it’s basically your typical harem anime. The girls are alright, but the show is nothing special, given that the main character is overpowered, for the most part at least aside from being dense.