Now that we are finished with the winter anime, it’s time to focus on the first bunch of shows for spring. Considering how short Pan de Peace is, I will be bringing Anime Weekly back from the dead, meaning that I might cover one more show and only sharing brief impressions for each. The other two shows that will air in the latter half of the week will be covered normally.
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With that, here are my impressions of the first two shows I watched today. I might add one more show. If I decide to do so, I will cover the first two episodes next week.
Hundred – Episode 1

From first impressions, you would guess it. This show is basically your run of the mill harem show with action. From a glimpse, Hayato is basically your average male character who wants to become a “Slayer” who takes down Savage life forms using special weapons called “Hundred.” Considering that he attracted a lot of girls after he got off the plane, there is no surprise that he might become a “Gary Stu” given that he managed to survive Emile’s attacks with zero fighting experience. If you are wondering, yes, Emilie is a girl who prefers wearing boy’s clothes. Her appearance and hairstyle already gives it away.

Given that my expectations are pretty low, I wonder how his fight between the so-called queen, Claire will fare given that he is dueling a girl who has a lot of fighting experience. I already predict that he will barely defeat her somehow. Either way, it will be interesting to see who wins next time.
Pan de Peace – Episode 1

It’s kind of disappointing that the episodes for this show is only three episodes long, hence the reason I decided not to cover it separately. As you expect, it’s about a girl named Tani Minami who is obsessed with bread to the point where she takes it seriously. After seeing a girl who has bread keychains on her bag, she quickly became friends with Aizawa Yuu. Yes, Yuu also has a childhood friend named Fuyumi who seems to be very close with her.

While it’s not much, it seems that the show seems to take its bread very seriously, probably more so than Shining Hearts with the addition of two girl relationships. Still, I wonder who is the pinked hair who is carrying a Baguette. We’ll find out next week.
Not interested in Hundred though it has potential for sexy bikini scans.
You already know my astronomical hype for more Pan de Peace. More ambiguously gay girls eating bread action please!
I have to admit that after watching to episodes of Hundred, I feel meh about it. I might put it on hold or drop it depending on the third episode, although there is another show that I might replace it with.
But yes, I can’t wait to see the girls make some bread…