As the fall season anime concluded last weekend, it seems that I ran out of ideas to write editorials. For now, it is a good time to focus on the remaining awards posts I have left collecting dust in a corner because I was busy doing other important things along with work. With that, I will share my responses.
The Infinity Dreams Award – Nominated by Kai, author of Deluscar
I can only think of four since I do not have a fifth one in mind.
1. Be able to understand Japanese proficiently
It is no secret that I have started to teach myself Japanese when I figured out that it was not impossible while having some desire to play games that never got released outside of Japan. After finding some textbooks to study, creating flash cards to memorize Kanji and vocabulary in Anki and buying Japanese language video games, I can understand 70-90% of the dialog with the use of a dictionary for words I do not know. While I finished studying all the grammar from the Advanced Japanese textbook several months back, I plan on taking on the JLPT N3 most likely next year and then go from there.
2. Go to an Anime Convention
After reading several posts of people sharing their experiences at anime conventions over the years, they look pretty fun since there are various events such as voice actor/actress appearance while being able to meet other fans around the world aside, looking at cosplayers and what kind of merchandise is being sold.
Of course, going to one can be expensive if there is none around the area. In short, you would have to pay for airfare and hotel charges in addition to the admission costs. Since I have been in college in the past several years, of course I have limited funds. Now that I am working, I am trying to save money to attend one next year to attend one during my vacation time. Which one I will go to will all depend on how much money I have at the time.
3. Finish my Video Game backlog
Like with most people who play video games, the backlog keeps building. Of course, I am part of the problem since I keep buying games and do not beat them at least once. I guess once a video game drought happens or I am really bored, I will eventually start cracking on the backlog.
4. Start a family, someday!
I know it will probably be several more years before I think about starting a family considering that dating costs money and I have student loan debt (which will get wiped away in ten years with the Public Service forgiveness). Someday, I want to find a wife and then have children.
Real Neat Blog Award – Nominated by OG-Man, Author of The Yuri Nation
- Favorite anime male/female character personality trait? – While I have no preference really, I have a liking for tsunderes. Sure, they are repetitive, but it makes for nice and entertaining character development.
- Favorite anime battle? – The battle between Archer and Shirou in Fate/stay night Unlimited Blade Works.
- Favorite cosplay outfit? – Although I will never cosplay, as for other people cosplaying, I do like maid and cat girl cosplay since these looks cute, although there are other good cosplay outfits out there.
- Is there a certain anime character quote/speech that somehow impacted your life? – Not really, but I will give you this one for kicks and giggles: “If you love twintails, anything is possible.”
- Strangest anime you ever saw? Glasslip because none of it made any sense.
- Thoughts on anime (those whose plot as a whole or a specific story arc) that revolve around a real life religion? – No comment.
- Thoughts on anime that mix “silly willy” with random super serious stuff, like Sasami-san@Ganbaranai, Stella Academy Group C3, Punch Line, Mekaku City Actors or any others you can think of? – I covered this in a recent editorial.
With that, this pretty much finishes all the awards post I have not touch on. As always, you can ask me questions anytime on Ask.fm. Note that I am somewhat busy now that I am working and it may take a few days for me to answer them all. Aside from that, hopefully most of you will find these responses interesting and feel free to give your thoughts on them.
I buy a lot of games, and I haven’t even touch a major portion of them, so I’m kinda worse than you, lol. video game backlog can be kinda endless though, by the time you finished a game, a new one would be out sooner or later.
And as for anime convention, man, I would love to participate in AFA. One of these days, I guess.
There are a few games I haven’t started, but I guess services like Steam makes it really easy to buy games for cheap and not play them, thus causing a big backlog. While I have a Steam account, I don’t really play that many video games since I don’t have a real gaming laptop. My 2012 Macbook Pro has a good GPU and a quad core i7, but the graphics card is probably outdated for newer games since they are more demanding (It only has a 1GB nVidia Geforce GT 650m).
The funny thing is that I was on track to finishing Hanayamata Yosakoi Live mid October, but got sidestracked by Super Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (probably will take 2-3 weeks to complete), which I am playing on my Japanese 3DS… but of course, Yoru no Nai Kuni is supposed to arrive from the mail by mid October and then next month, there is Atelier Sophie and Kantai Collection (providing it doesn’t get delayed again). From the looks of it, I won’t be buying any more games for awhile, until I can finish them.
Also, the Cinderella Girls G4U doesn’t really count, since I can probably complete them in one or two hours.
I don’t think G4U really counts as “games” anyway, since all it is, is picture taking.
That is true and of course I already reviewed both version of the games… They are easy to get 100% and probably the only games on my list that I got all the trophies for, for obvious reasons.