Poor Aoi. It seems that she revealed the reason why she ran away from home.
Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya 2wei Herz – Episode 4

Yep, Rin and Luvia are not any closer to find the 8th card despite the help Illya, Kuro, and Miyu contributed. This time, Luvia gave Illya some amusement park tickets. You know that this means, right? Illya, Miyu, Kuro and her friends went to an amusement park with Irisviel keeping them company. Yep, it seems that the girls were having lots of fun, especially Irisviel, which is very surprising. At some point, Caren and Bazett (in a lion mascot costume) looked after the girls while Irisviel managed to get herself in a photo shoot session.

Aside from that, Illya and Miyu finally got to use their magical powers after three episodes of not doing so. Sadly, it was used mostly to find the charm Illya lost during the parade. At least it was some good bonding time between the two.
Working!!! – Episode 7

It seems that Aoi is now staying at Souta’s house after being found out. From the looks of it, Aoi was worried about her mother. Apparently, she ran away because her mother got angry for failing the entrance exam. In other words, she basically gave Aoi more books to study, which upset her. Yep, it seems that Aoi now hates studying even though it was a misunderstanding. It seems that her mother just wanted to give her a study guide that would work better.
Still, I find it funny that Aoi needs a guide for to understand and get along with her mother. It seems that her mother has no social skills what so ever, which can explain why she has a very hard time communicating with her daughter. Thankfully, Aoi made up with her mother and hopefully things will improve between the two. Of course, this isn’t a goodbye. Aoi will of course continue to work at the restaurant.
It seems that Haruna finally saw Otoo after searching for him for days when Aoi reunited with her mom. I guess this episode ended with a happy ending after all.
Last Week’s Anime Power Rankings
- Idolmaster Cinderella Girls – 17
- Charlotte – 6
- Prisma Illya 2wei Herz – 3
- Working!!! – 6