After the gruesome scene with Illya from last time, Shirou is indeed broken.
From the beginning, Shirou look up to Kiritsugu for the fact that he saved him. Of course, he lost everything in the process, which can explain why he wants to try to save everyone. Of course, we all know that not only there is a fatal flaw in Kiritsugu’s ideal since he ends up killing more people than saving as shown by the Grail, but it also took a toll on him.
While I don’t blame him since his foster-father, Kiritsugu never told him the full truth on what happened on that day, Rin noticed that he puts other lives ahead of his, which is why she got upset. I think she is completely right since eventually, the shortcomings of Shirou’s beliefs is going to break him in the end. Thankfully, she told him to shape up, which is brilliant and of course, I liked how she reacted afterwards.

From the looks of it, getting help from Lancer is a no brainer since he had dealing with Caster before. Despite that, he teases her after Shirou said something that makes him believe that Rin is his girlfriend. Yep, Rin cannot deny it any further since Shirou already let it out of the bag. Still, I have to admit that her reactions to Lancer’s teasing and Shirou basically acknowledging that they are in a relationship were the most enjoyable aspects of the episode.

From the looks of it, the real battle happens next time as Lancer takes on Archer in a diversion while Shirou and Rin takes on Caster and Kuzuki. Still, I have a strange feeling that Shirou will go back to being annoying when he tries to do something risky. Either way, hopefully the two will successfully defeat Caster so that the Grail War can reach its final stages, where things are expected to become interesting in regards to Archer’s past and the big reveal.
Next episode is gonna be an interesting one that’s for sure. Just hope they don’t drag it that long. We need more Tousaka and Shirou moment…and maybe a little bit of Lancer too
Yep, the Caster arc seems to be long, but hopefully she will get defeated next time since it’s already 4-5 episodes already and she still on the loose.
But yes, I want to see more Rin and Shirou moments. :p