Since all shows I planned to watch has finally premiered, it’s time to take a first look at all the shows I decided to watch for the spring.
Nagato Yuki-chan no Shoushitsu

After watching the first episode, I was not that impressed. While the animation is okay, I just find this Nagato Yuki boring and very generic, more so than the one in the Disappearance arc. While there were a few cute and funny moments, hopefully things will improve from here. Otherwise, I will end up putting this show on hold until it finish airing to see whether or not I want to finish it or not.
Nisekoi Second Season

As mentioned in my impressions post, the original animation specials have gotten me excited for the next season of Nisekoi as we try to figure out which girl Raku truly likes. I have to admit that the first episode was very enjoyable as fall settles in and he gets his locket back, causing Marika to get excited and try to put her key in. It seems that the key alone won’t unlock it since there is another condition that must be met before that can happen. I guess we’ll have to wait until that day comes, which will probably be as long the author wants to drag it out.
Aside from that, this episode pretty much shows how dense Raku is for the fact that he doesn’t notice Chitoge’s lip-gloss, nail polish, hair ribbon and shampoo until three days later. The funny thing is that he only notices things that get her angry such as her weight and what food she is eating While I’m not surprised by it at all, I have to admit that she was cute in this episode.
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka

I don’t know what made me decide to watch this show out of curiosity. I think it’s mostly because people shared a lot of pictures of Hestia on my Twitter timeline, which happens to be a goddess who happens to work with a young adventurer named Bell. He wants to become stronger so that he can achieve his dreams of having a magical encounter with a girl. To me, I wonder how he will achieve that considering that he just ran away from a monster and that he is the only one in his faction besides Hestia.
Despite being attracted to another girl named Aiz Wallenstein, which is impossible for him to win. I’m surprised by how he didn’t notice other girls that are interested in him. Still, I can understand the reason why Hestia is popular. It’s because of her character design.
Aside from that, I have to admit that the show is fairly enjoyable and interesting from watching the first episode with the setting resembling a Japanese RPG. With that, I wonder how much training he needs in order to challenge and defeat Aiz.
Finally an anime we have both been following! Is it Wrong to pick up Girls in a Dungeon? I am kind of glad Twitter influenced you to try this anime even if it was due to Hestia’s character design. Do not get me wrong I can see the ‘voluptuous’ appeal of Hestia but I dislike her boisterous attitude.
It would be really interesting to see how Bell goes on to win the admiration of Aiz. Who seems way out of his league, in my opinion. Though I think it could happen since she does not seem like a character with a crass personality.
Considering that I played I a lot of Japanese RPGs, I don’t see why not… but hopefully he will become strong enough so that he can build a stronger party… still, I wonder what ways how Hestia will help him achieve that goal…
Still, she is a pretty enjoyable character.