Back in 2013, I decided to answer some questions that were created by an Anime blogger named Silvachief. Of course, I didn’t know that this event was still going around since Overlord-G who is the author of The Yuri Nation decided to tag me with more questions. Because I have done several of these in the past, I may as well do another.
1: Describe your dream anime setting/world if you were given the power to create one.
I probably want to create world similar to Flonyard since it has cute animal people.
2: How are you able to balance your college/work life with your animeniac hobby?
When I was in college, I realized that I had a good amount of free time. Since I spent most of my college years focusing on my studies like most Asians instead of going to parties and my major didn’t have a heavy workload, I had some time for my hobbies, namely Anime, video games, teaching myself Japanese and programing. However, that changed slightly when I started my Master’s Degree in Information Technology since I really had to study for the Computer Science courses since there is a lot of course material. At the end of the day, good time management is key.
3: Name one anime that had greatly upset you?
If a specific arc counts, Endless Eight from the second season of Haruhi really upset me since Kyoto Animation actually went the all nine yards by making all eight episodes the same with some subtle changes. Actually, if you go back to June-August of 2009 on my blog, you will see how much rage I have towards Endless Eight. Even so, I have to give them some credit for them having the guts to make 8 full episodes of Endless Eight since other studios wouldn’t dare pull off this stunt with the fear of backlash.
Of course, the other show that upset me (but not as much) was Glasslip… it was a complete waste of time since nothing happened. In other words, it’s basically PA Work’s version of Jiggly Jiggly Heaven.
4: Have you ever gone out with your special person to an anime/game/comic or any other otaku themed hobby convention?
I haven’t dated anyone nor went out to a convention since I don’t have enough money to go to one. This will probably change in the future.
5: Favorite anime pet/mascot
Since I have answered a similar question in the previous post, I will skip this one.
6: Was there ever an anime character who/that inspired you in some way?

Furukawa Nagisa since she is a caring female heroine that helped Tomoya changes his life for the better despite her illness. Also, Misaka Shiori also inspired me as well for the fact that she wants to live a normal life, but is unable to do so due to her terminal sickness. Of course, my side blog is named after her.
7: Which do you enjoy more, visual novels or light novels? If you do not play VNs then replace it with manga, meaning “manga or light novels?”
Since I haven’t read any light novels, but played visual novels, the latter wins by default (my first visual novel was Clannad).
8: Has watching subbed anime motivated you to one day learn to speak and read Japanese?
Nope mostly because subbed Anime in general doesn’t provide much value for learning Japanese since some things are usually lost in translation. What actually got me interested in learning the language are the Idolmaster games that Bandai Namco refuses to localize. With the use of technology (Anki and electronic dictionaries) and availability of Japanese textbooks like Genki to study from, I was able to understand it at an upper-intermediate level. Currently, I’m focusing on Advanced level Japanese now.
9: Is the human butt mightier than a sledgehammer?

It depends, but on the other hand, Blanc’s hammer can’t be beat.
10: Favorite anime weapon.
A bow and arrow… I know, it’s boring but of course Archer is badass when he uses it.
11: Has a sports/game themed anime encouraged you to try out that sport/game? For Example: Yowamushi Pedal for biking or Shion no Ou for Japanese chess?
Not really since I’m not interested in sports in general and I haven’t watched any shows that involved games outside of No Game No Life of course. As for Free!, not really although I tried to learn how to swim, but didn’t get that far compared to my younger sister.
This pretty much wraps up all the questions asked and I won’t be tagging anyone since I already done so in 2013. As always, you can always ask me questions on Ask.fm since I have an account.
Since you’re a KroAni fan I figured E8 would be your answer to the rage question.
The other answer is funny because P.A. Works produced both Glasslip and Shirobako when you think about it.
Flonyard would be an awesome world to live in.
The Triforce of Tears (Kanon 06, Clannad, Air) probably touched your heart in ways you never thought possible.
Blanc’s hammer is probably one of the few mightier than a full powered butt slam.
Besides Endless Eight, usually most of the shows Kyoto Animation makes at least come off as being decent or better. However, I haven’t watched everything from PA Works, but generally it’s a mixed bag (some of their shows are either great, mediocre or not great). But aside from the shows I mention, I haven’t come across too many shows that really upset me, mostly because I’m lenient and open minded. Not only that, I don’t watch every show under the moon every season.
Of course, there is Little Busters as well you forgot to mention… but the only Key production I had mixed feelings was Angel Beats. While it was enjoyable, it had a good amount of flaws.