While the blizzard was a complete bust, at least we got to see some nice moments with Ema.
Shirobako – Episode 16

From last time, the studio had to halt most of the production for a month because the author was not satisfied with the character design for Aria. To make matters worse, he was not specific enough on what he wanted, leaving Yumi having to do everything by her self without any guidance. Yep, it’s a recipe for disaster. It’s just like swinging a sword and missing the enemy every time. At the same time, It’s understandable since Yumi does not have enough experience in character design in order to interpret what the author wanted to see.
Thankfully, Rinko shared her experiences on why she dresses the way she does. Apparently, she had the same issue as Yumi, until she dressed as the character she was designing. After Yumi tried doing the same, she managed to create a character design that satisfied the author. From this, I think she now has a basic understanding on how to design characters the way the author wants, even if his/her suggestions are cryptic sometimes.
As for the editor, I liked how two of the central staff members from Musani had to drag him out in order to get decision from the author. Judging from this, this makes me wonder if he actually approved other decisions without asking for the author’s input just so that he can fool around and not do any work. If that is true, there is a high possibility that there will be more decisions that the author might not be satisfied with. We’ll see how much damage the editor caused later on.

Still, I have to admit that Ema shined a lot in this episode, especially with the scenes where she danced and pitched soft balls.
Dog Days Double Dash – Episode 4

Despite Sharu not appearing in this episode, everything is finally back to normal, except for Valerio, who released some Muni-Muni, creatures that eat other people’s clothing, armor and weapons for his own pleasures. Clearly, Becky and Nanami had to use their hero crystal while Adele fused with Cou to prevent them from escaping, capture it and turn it into a spirit. With that, I wonder what Adele is going to do with it now that she has it. I guess we’ll find out sooner than later.
While this episode had some fanservice for obvious reasons, it was interesting to learn more about Adele’s past. Apparently, she came from France and was summoned by the last princess in Pastillage. Still, I wonder where she got the star-shaped pupils. I guess that mystery will remain unanswered, for now at least.