The final round of Love Live is finally here. Will they win? Also, what special surprise Honoka has for the graduates?
As a whole, I was rather speechless about Episode 12. While the song Muse performed had less impact on me compared to “Snow Halation” they performed a few episodes back, the performance was rather emotional. While we already knew that the group is going to disband after Love Live, the audience was so moved by their singing that they wanted an encore. Believe it or not, they actually won with Nico displaying the trophy Muse won along with a flag from the competition. I was slightly disappointed that they didn’t show the group accepting first place, but at least they were able to achieve their dream in the end thanks to the power of friendship.
Also, Honoka’s graduation speech along with the ballad was a nice way to say farewell to the graduating seniors. It was powerful for the fact that music allowed Honoka to become a better person while being able to share her friends’ and her own emotions. Even if the seniors graduate, they will always be remembered in these songs no matter who listens to it.
On the flip side, while its funny to see Hanayo as the new president for the Idol Research Club, she looks excited in the end. You know what this means? I suppose that Muse will continue to exist once more since a movie got announced recently. I admit that I am already curious what the film is going to be about.

Final Impressions
As a whole, I felt that the second season was an improvement since it was more about working together through friendship and hard work to become the best school idol group in the Love Live competition rather than saving a school. While I’m disappointed that we don’t get to see their victory get recognized in the final rounds, I liked how the drama played out since it made Muse winning Love Live more meaningful.
Of course, there are still a few things that kind of irked me from the first season. The performances still use a lot CG, which still looks awkward to me. I would rather see the performance fully animated, but I guess it’s too much to ask since Sunrise would have to animate all 9 members. Moreover, the type of music Muse sings is just not my cup of tea. I just prefer the songs The Idolmaster has to offer since it has a bigger variety than just cheery songs. Despite these two drawbacks, I still think the second season of Love Live School Project is very enjoyable. If there is another season or spinoff, hopefully we will finally get to see how well Yukiho and Arisa as a school idol.
Overall Rating: 9.0/10, A-, Very Good
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