Since summer starts in a few weeks, it’s time to share my thoughts on what shows I plan on watching for the next season along with some plans and updates regarding this blog. (Image Source)
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 2wei
Studio: Silver Link
Air Date: July 2014
Last summer, I decided to watch the first season of this show after discovering that it was a magical girl spinoff of the Fate series featuring Illya. While it was very enjoyable, it also felt kind of short since it was only 10 episodes. Considering that Kuro will most likely show up in the second season, I look forward to her debut in addition to Illya’s and Miyu’s relationship progressing a bit more.
Free! Eternal Summer
Studio: Kyoto Animation
Air Date: July 2014
I admit that while I usually watch shows that have a mostly female cast, I still enjoyed Free! for what it is since it focused on a group of teenage boys who are enthusiastic about swimming. Although Rin’s angst kind of bothered me, hopefully the second season is an improvement since he gotten over it so we can focus more on swimming and rivalries.
Studio: PA Works
Air Date: July 03, 2014
Because I made it a rule to watch most of the shows from Kyoto Animation and PA Works, it’s obvious that I will watch this show. While not much can be said about the show until it actually airs, at least it has a more balanced cast compared to previous shows they done.
Not Covering, But Watching
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal
Studio: Toei Animation
Air Date: July 5, 2014
Remember the Winter preview I wrote early this year? Well, that was embarrassing for the fact that the production team delayed the remake numerous times and nobody knew when it was going to air. Now the wait is over! They finally decided that the remake would start airing this summer. While I don’t remember much from the original considering it’s over 14 years ago since I first watched it, hopefully the remake will be a bit more faithful to the source material free from censorship and Americanization.
Blog Updates

If you are having some trouble accessing my blog in the past few days, you are not alone. Although I can’t really blame the guys at BuyVM and Frantech for the fact that the service has been reliable most of the time, this is perhaps the only instance where Murphy’s Law went full swing. Apparently, they experienced router problems, which is why people are having trouble loading my blog. I know it’s frustrating, but hopefully once they replace it, things will finally get back to normal. I have to give them credit for the fact that they remained transparent regarding the situation rather than leaving everyone in the dark.
Update: While the blog took a big drop in traffic due to the downtime (it’s over 6 hours) it will eventually return back to normal. Also, the hosting provider provided credit and planning to have the new router up tomorrow, so the downtimes will be a thing of the past.
In other news, I noticed a significant drop in followers in the past few weeks. While I don’t usually care about these counts, a big drop over the past week raises a big flag that I need to address something. Perhaps people are not interested in my content/tweets or that I’m not interacting enough. To me, I would rather keep my timeline mostly Anime/Video Game related rather than posting updates about my life, which is pretty mundane to begin with. What do you think? Should I jump on the bandwagon and create an account or keep things as they are and share more Anime/Video Game related stuff?
Near-Future Plans
As mentioned a few weeks back, I decided to start streaming video games on Twitch. I have been doing so with Atelier Escha and Logy during the past two weeks. While I plan on having audio commentary once I figure out how to sync it with the capture card. I plan on streaming every Wednesday and probably on Saturday until vacation. After vacation, I will determine new streaming schedule that fits with the blogging schedule and summer classes (I’m currently taking one bridge course in Linux Administration). Of course, I may decide to stream on the whim.
Here are the games I plan on streaming: Atelier Escha and Logy (Up to the end of Assignment 9, not streaming the endings because of spoilers), The Idolmaster One for All, Tales of Vesperia PS3, and Atelier Shallie (August).
If you want to watch me play games, my twitch channel is here.
Lastly, I will be on vacation starting June 26th until around July 7th. More details on that later. In short, I plan on writing a few more editorials and reviews before I leave. I will still be writing posts, but not as many.
With that, feel free to share what shows are you planning to watch this summer? If there are any I should check out later, feel free to suggest.
Since the new router is installed, I have reenabled Jetpack comments. If anyone experiences any problems seeing the comment form, contact me asap.