Since Little Busters is now back, Komari decides to throw a pancake party.
When I began to watch this episode, it’s apparent that the animation has improved a good deal since the first season. It looks more refined and colorful. I’m guessing that JC Staff decided to go all out with the production values since the bulk of the emotional stuff is in the latter half of the visual novel. The emotional aspect in the second half when the bullies strike the most venerable was emotionally powerful. Even so, I find the transitions from the cheerful pancake party to the real conflict somewhat inconsistent.

In the second half, this is where Yuiko gets the spotlight, but just for only one episode? Maybe I’m wrong since it can’t be just that. We got three girls trying to bully Komari and Kud because of something Yuiko did in the past. I wonder, why these girls don’t like Yuiko? I admit that she was scary when she smashed the door and almost about to kill the two girls for harming her friends. Still, I wonder about her past when she reveals that she was emotionless like a robot. I think we will see more about her past, but not now.

From the first episode, I have some hope that we are in for some really emotional moments as the secret of the world is about to get revealed. It’s already apparent with hints that they won’t be together forever along with the announcement for a field trip written on the blackboard. For that, I look forward for the melodrama they have in store.
They decided to use Komari and Kud as targets. J.C. Staff is so evil, because if I remember correct it was Riki to be harassed by those girls in the visual novel…:D
It would have been better if Riki took the blunt of the bullying… but still, it’s pretty cruel for the girls to do that though no matter who it affects.
Maybe I’ll marathon both seasons of “Ghostbusters” sometime in the Winter. I have some backlogging I want to do.