It seems that Miyu is not completely immune to failure…

From last time, we saw how amazing Miyu is. She is talented and smart. Sadly, she is not perfect as I initially thought. She apparently can’t fly while Illya can. It’s bound to happen since we can’t let Miyu hog the spotlight and become a Marry Sue. Even so, it’s nice to see Illya being capable and landing powerful attacks against Caster. Moreover, she saves Miyu from Caster’s attack and came up with strategies to defeat her. Because of this, I think it’s beneficial for the two work together rather than get caught up in a rivalry like the one between Rin and Luviagelita.

At the end, I think Illya is just as talented, but doesn’t realize it. Her philosophy *don’t think, imagine” was hilarious, but true considering that magical girls don’t exist and that creativity is just as important as knowledge. Even so, it’s disappointing that the Archer card is basically useless without arrows, but I think there will be some use for it in the future. Not only that, I wonder how the two are going to defeat Saber Alter that appeared out of nowhere? Whatever it may be, I hope Illya will finally earn her first Class Card.
Loved this episode! They really managed to merge both good quality action and comedy within one single package. Now, let’s go Saber, it’s your turn! 😀
This show is very enjoyable, pretty much like what Nanoha did. Hopefully the next battle will be exciting.
Was pretty sure the term was “Mary Sue” =p
The lol moment for me in this episode was when Miyu had to watch that magical girl show and had to question how the character was flying. Illya of course did her due diligence by telling her the truth:
“Well, it’s an anime so we shouldn’t think so hard about it.”
Hard to argue 😀
Sorry for the typo. I was typing this post really late while I was in Boston. But aside from that, this episode is rather enjoyable and it’s nice to see the difference of philosophies between the girls that make them successful in their own right.
I still like Fantasista Doll more than Magical Girl Ilya. On the bright side, Luvia’s omnipotence and Ilya’s misery continue being highlights. As for Miyu, give me some subtext material to work with because she has yet to escape the “she’s generic” black hole of suckitude. Maybe her character, along with her flaws are a spoof the rival mahou shoujo stereotype. I dunno.
This show is basically a parody of the magical girl genre, thus it plays a lot of tropes from various magical girl shows like the mysterious transfer student and such. But the story is expected to become serious sooner than later.