Though the success of the 765 Production’s live concert, the girls have finally become more popular. Now, they are taking on more jobs on their road to fame. What they don’t know is that 961 Productions is out to sabotage their success.
Believe it or not, the girls are now famous enough that they need to hide their true identity from the public. Of course, Makoto’s and Hibiki’s disguises were simply hilarious mainly because the former got recognized compared the latter, which looked more like a burglar. Besides this, it was nice to see other girls taking up various jobs and interviews with the Producer becoming more competent. They seem to enjoy it more than before, especially Miki who became increasingly sweeter and calling the Producer “Honey.” It’s definitely a good change compared to her rather spoiled personality shown back in a few episodes. This change makes it seem like she has taken the main heroine spot from Haruka. Even so, the fruit outfits that the girls wore for their photo-shoot looked really nice.

Underneath the amount of effort the girls put into their work, 961 Productions wants to play dirty and squash their fun. From my first impression of Project Jupiter, aside from the fact that the female idols are way better than pretty looking male idols, they have a big attitude problem and think that they are god’s gift. To make things worse, their boss, Kuroi is simply rotten and want to dye the world “noir” to defeat his former friend at 765 Productions. Considering how cynical he is, he slips his own magazine cover without anyone knowing and crushed the girls’ spirits. That action was simply mean and wicked.

After the news broke out that Project Jupiter have hijacked the cover of the magazine, vows for vengeance broke loose. It’s obvious that 961 are not playing by the rules, but I think everyone got a bit too emotional. As pointed out several times, playing dirty just to get back at them will make them look just as bad. I’m glad that the Producer has a backbone and decided to beat them through hard work. Hopefully when the time comes, they will beat them fair and square.

From the fan mail, they are now pumped up to become better and beat Kuroi at his game. Some of these encouraging messages they received were nice. Also, Chihaya got some too from some of her younger fans, but still felt very pensive about it. Ultimately, Haruka brought everyone’s spirits up to continue fighting on and become the best idol. I just hope that Jupiter won’t show up again because I hate their guts. Knowing them, they will cause more trouble down the road.
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