For the past few days, I stopped posting since I have to study for three rather important exams. As a result, I fell behind in so many shows. Since exams will be completely done after Wednesday, I will be spending most of my time catching up on my backlog and playing Portal 2.
As for Episode 4 of Ore-tachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai, I have to admit that it was definitely a step up compared to the last three episodes as they finally cleared up the situation with the male leads. Of course, the loli makes a well-deserved and brief appearance.
The first scene of Episode 4 was rather funny with Asuka, Hiyoko, Kobato and Naru, posing as teachers in a contest to see who is the most attractive. The fights were outright hilarious with girls wearing various outfits and using various school supplies as weapons such as protractors, a globe, wooden sword and a triangle stencil complete with clothing damage… I have to admit that Hiyoko looked pretty hot, but sadly she got beaten down by Asuka, who pretty much defeats everyone.

Continuing Naru’s quest to find her bike, she meets up with Hayato for a date. Things intensify when Ai shows up and tries to take him away from her. Sadly, their fight to win him over persists in the cybercafé when Ai tries to teach him how to use the computer. It results in a flirting match in attempt to win his affection, which annoys him a lot. They eventually take it to the extreme in a different room when they stripped down to their underwear. I guess girls are so despite to win over guys these days…

Finally, we learn that all along, Hayato, Shusuke and Takashi are essentially the same person. For instance, Shusuke’s personality changed when he protects Hiyoko from the person who dined and dashed that thrown a chair at her. When I saw this, it was pretty interesting since I never seen a male lead with multiple personas in the same body. Basically each one represents the morning, afternoon and night respectively and they hang out a faraway castle after they done the shifts for the day.
While Ore-tachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai is still a mediocre show, I felt that the plot now has a specific aim. While the fanservice is kind of distracting at time, the girls are still really cute and some of the jokes are somewhat enjoyable… Heck, the foreigner flipped the bird, which is totally unexpected. Hopefully the next episode carries on the improvements seen in this episode and probably further develop each male leads’ personalities.
Kind of dropped this after episode three I hear episode 4 is a big improvement for the story? Maybe I will have to check it out sometime xD
You have seen nothing yet… This is my guilty pleasure in this season despite how meh it is!