With a show like Ore-tachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai that is based off a Visual Novel by Navel, you can foresee what will happen in this episode. If you guess gratuitous amounts of panty shots and fanservice, then you are correct!
If you look pass the fanservice, what are the qualities that make this show special? Considering that there are so many male harem leads thrown in with a large pool of girls you can imagine, the possibilities are endless and rather chaotic. From the vast selection of girls, you have the little sisters, cutesy girls, tsundere, the twin tailed lolis among others. The loli was pretty interesting considering that she can hardly speak Japanese and yes, there was a panty shot that seemed so wrong on many levels.

As for the episode itself, it just doesn’t click well with me. It seemed that every scene in the first episode focused on a different harem lead, which made the developments so confusing. Heck the first scene of the whole shows kind of resembled Onii-chan no Koto with the sister thing. Besides that one scene, the episode manages to induce sleep on me since everything felt so dull. Additionally, the opening at the end of the episode caught me off guard with the entire cast gong back to the Middle Ages that vaguely reminds me of another anime I am watching… Can’t this show be more consistent with the setting? Jeez!
Lastly, the animation, the girls look pretty and the backgrounds were detailed… Sadly, they go to waste in the end, but it enhances the fanservice the show has to offer!
Overall, Ore-tachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai is one of these shows that are not too compelling to people who haven’t seen or play any of Navel’s works. Without taking any fanservice in consideration, my opinion towards the show remains unchanged. I may be wrong if the story gets better in the next episode, but I’m not getting my hopes up…
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