Well, this is probably the wackiest episode I ever seen since it has parodies of other anime, and perverted men and girls. It also has an extremely smart, cute loli girl who develops a machine that turns people into perverts FOR SCIENCE!
Well, this episode seems to parody some of the well-known anime such as Zero No Tsukaima in the scene where Mio recites some magical spells with Sado trying to hold himself with burning candles. Later, Dragon Ball Z was parodied with Nao using a power meter to measure Sado’s perverseness levels (yes, its over 9000!) and Sado transforming into a hero with a very familiar hairstyle and perform very familiar moves. Nevertheless, the parodies were really funny and rather enjoyable.
Noa Hiiragi, a genius loli inventor performs this cruel experiment FOR SCIENCE because she wasn’t allowed to have friends. The reason she never had any friends because the people who are giving her hard stuff to do did not allow it. It’s true that most extremely smart people are outcasts in society since normal people would have the feeling of insignificance from their intelligence. Also, they are usually the rather difficult people to socialize with. This explains why Kotomi, Minagi, Mai and others doesn’t have any or one friend(s) because of these traits. Then again, Taro offers to be Nao’s friend in the end to make her happy and stop the nasty plan she done for revenge.
In the end, its Mio that ultimately helps Taro save the day by going tsun tsun on Taro over his insults. Then again, she is just making his masochism even worse by giving him what he wants. Anime logic just doesn’t make sense most of the time
Lastly, if you have watched the opening theme, they changed it to the “Heaven Version”, which is essentially an electronica version of the original song. Unfortunately, it was still pretty bad even though the “Hell Version” is the worst. (Obligatory notice: Check out my review on this opening single at Anime Instrumentality Blog on October 31, 2010 at 3:00 AM.)
Overall, this episode was hilarious and really enjoyable. I think the enjoyment has more to do with the epic fighting scenes where Taro defeats Noa’s robot than students turning into perverts. Then again, this episode fit pretty well with Halloween considering that Mio in a witch’s costume and the Apocalypse of everyone on earth turning into perverts permanently. Nevertheless, the cuteness of Noa won me over even though her plans were so evil.
Next Episode: Incest Sister and Mother madness… or rather, get off me!

Gifted kids may have trouble interacting with peers because they behave in a different way, have different interests, etc. But if they tell me it’s because some random scientists were making her study and study and study, that’s dumb.
Seriously, I love MM, but they should stop trying to include this type of things. It’s pretty ridiculous. Why not just turn mankind into perverts for the lulz? As long as she’s likable and gets to spend enough time with Tarou to know about her, this story shouldn’t really be necessary for her character development
Yes, I do find it funny since having no friends in childhood is really unhealthy. They are not able to use the social skills they need when they grow up…
As for the show, I enjoy the wackiness of the characters… but I have a feeling of Ookami-san, Baka Test and Working mixed into one pot… not a bad thing, but yeah…
Parodies! Parodies everywhere! You really can’t complete a show if there aren’t any parodies in at least one episode! Yay!
Parodies are fun… at least it was not the full blown shitty mecha stuff in Mayoi Neko Overrun that I don’t like…