As you see here, Anime have been always my hobby I do on my free time along with creating clients: MAL Client OS X for Mac users to manage Anime/Manga lists on MyAnimeList and Melative Library and related projects for all platforms (Mac/Windows/Linux) to manage Melative. I enjoy anime blogging as most people and I find it fun to share my thoughts about Anime and its related materials and some issues with fandom and such. This can be judged by how many long and lengthy editorials I wrote that are mainly my opinions and what I believe in.
The AniBlog Tourney is not all about popularity or how pretty the blog looks… It’s all about the content and the person who put the most effort in making the blog as enjoyable and interesting as possible. I work hard to achieve this goal. I blog when I’m at home, at school in-between classes and even on vacation. I am passionate on my hobby and you should to by voting for me… Just head over here and vote for me! Not only that, check out the other blogs that have their polls currently open and vote for the best one…
Even if I lose, I’m not going to loose sleep over it… so in my closing statements… vote and support us!
The next digest will be posted next week when Round 2 starts.
…and vote for me, too while you’re at it. 😉
.-= kevo´s last blog ..Desu ex Machina Open House =-.
I voted for you after reading your review of my blog. It was honest and I could really use a better header >_<
Yea… that… I may not be as creative with that sort of stuff and probably in the future, I will have someone make one for the blog. As I forgot to mention, I’m not as much as an artist.