Now it’s the start of the Fall season and… it’s all about that tree…
Did you know that trees and plants have feelings to? It seems like it in this episode. Kobato decides that the nursery should go to this tree that she found this morning and pick up leaves to make something. Soon, Kobato learns that the tree was going to get cut down so next morning, she goes to the tree and sees Kohaku. Kohaku finds out that the tree was happy for the visit yesterday and it said goodbye. Kobato tries to deny that by trying to dig with her hands, but Kohaku stops and have her put the hand on the trunk to hear a song and they start singing that song and after it ends, the tree fell and Fujimoto ends up saving Kobato from the falling tree while Kohaku was unharmed. Thus, Kobato gains another Konpeito and the wood from the tree was made into blocks by Fujimoto.
Isn’t it sad that the tree is about to go? Unlike the other episodes which was a light and fluffy happy time, this one is a little bit more serious… We know that we don’t want to let old things go, but as long they are happy in the end, they won’t forget…
Not to mention, the same heartwarming song again… another heartwarming moment, but the tree falling at the end by itself was a surprise and gives Kobato a reality check and learned an important lesson… then again, this show may as well have a “Earn your Happy Ending.”
But hey, it left them something in the end… new blocks, right, although Fujimoto has to do all the work.
Overall, it’s was a great and heartwarming episode…
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