Finally, a episode where Haruhi doesn’t act like a complete jerk. The conclusion of Sighs is pretty good, but still there was a few things that bothered me about it.
As the SOS-Brigade wants to complete the movie, something happened the night while Kyon falls asleep while editing.
Haruhi finds a stray cat and names it Shamisen which doesn’t appear to talk until Haruhi leaves for the day after recording. Then, at the cafe, Itsuki explains that the movie that Haruhi is filming is causing changes to the world and reality and that the movie needs to end so that it’s ordinary and just fiction. Kyon takes Shamisen home. Next day at school, Mikuru and later Yuki tells theories that are completely different from each other. After school, they continue filming more of the movie which more abnormalities happened. That night, Itsuki takes Kyon and tell him that he need a plan so Haruhi will realize that everything in her film isn’t real. Kyon addresses it and she agrees. Then, they finish filming on top of the roof and at night, Kyon and Haruhi pull a all-nighter to edit the film and unable to. After Kyon and Haruhi woke up, they play the movie and he realized that it edited itself.
This is a good ending to the arc. The arc was pretty good overall and more interesting compared to the light novel. It seems that way after Kyoani completely blew it by repeating Endless Eight 8 times, they had to get atleast one arc right for the whole season and they did. What bothered me the most on the earlier episodes of Sighs is the use of K-ON! art style, which bothered me alot and made the overall animation, inferior. However, it improved in the last two episodes, but a little too late.
Besides from Haruhi acting like a complete b$%&# that everyone wants to avoid, this arc is pretty enjoyable… but unfortunately, not enough to change my opinion on the whole season in general and I highly doubt there will be any new episodes in this season since it’s pretty much done.
Episode 14 Rating: 9/10
Overall Rating for Sighs: 7.98/10, B-
Haruhi has always acted like a bitch, its not like she treated the computer club guys any better in season 1.